Xinyuan-LilyGO / LilyGO-T-A76XX

LilyGo A7670 A7608 SIM7672 series
MIT License
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Problem with GPS #52

Closed jmpmscorp closed 11 months ago

jmpmscorp commented 12 months ago


My company bougth one of those boards but I don't know if it was with or without GPS. I have been working with it without any problem using ESP-IDF modem component (pppos client, cmux,...).

Now, I want to use A7670G incorporated GNSS in a project. However, any command related with GPS answer with ERROR response. AT+CGNSSPWR, AT+CGPSINFO, AT+CAGPS,.. with everyone I get response. It makes me think that modem was bougth without GPS version. If those command would be supported, AT+CGNSSPWR=? response should be valid instead GPS was not correctly configured.

Check pictures of responses here:

My question is... is it a "problem" with A7670G device that has not internally GPS device? or, is it problem with A7670G firmware version? If board bought was not GPS version, is there a way to enable GPS uploading new firmware version to modem?

Response to AT+SIMCOMATI:

Manufacturer: INCORPORATED Model: A7670G-LLSE Revision: A011B12A7670M7 A7670M7_B12V02_220613 QCN: IMEI: 867284060415744 MEID: +GCAP: +CGSM,+FCLASS,+DS DeviceInfo:


lewisxhe commented 12 months ago

a7670g no gps

lewisxhe commented 11 months ago

A7670G does not have GPS, different versions of firmware cannot be input