Xinyuan-LilyGO / LilyGO-T-A76XX

LilyGo A7670 A7608 SIM7672 series
MIT License
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Battery boost convertor possibly failed. High pitch noise and modem not starting on battery #92

Closed deeja closed 1 month ago

deeja commented 3 months ago

I have 2 boards (A7670SA and A7670G) that are making a high pitch noise when running off battery. When running off battery,

  1. there is a noise,
  2. the modem doesn't power on, but the ESP module seems to work.

When running off USB,

  1. no noise
  2. modem works

These boards have been running for a few months off solar. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

lewisxhe commented 2 months ago

What voltage do you mean when the battery is exhausted? The circuit uses a DCDC boost converter. The whistling should come from the inductor. It should be that the battery voltage is no longer enough for the booster to work.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

This issue is stale because it has been open for 30 days with no activity.

deeja commented 1 month ago

Thanks for updating. The project I'm working on is somewhat on hold. I will do some tests and see what voltage they are cutting out at. I think it might be related to the antenna too, but I will need to check when I have some time