Xinyuan-LilyGO / LilyGO-T-SIM7000G

LilyGO T-SIM7000G
284 stars 123 forks source link

Extra input pins #190

Open eried opened 1 year ago

eried commented 1 year ago


I am trying to connect stuff to one of the remaining pins in my project, but they are all pulled high, which interferes with my analog reading. How can I disable the VSPI?

I have this pins free: 23 19 18 05 02 00 12 TX RX

But they are all high... I tried to disable the VSPI (with vspi.stop() or initializing it with other pins) or redefine the LED_BUILTIN (pin 12 goes high when wifi connects).

I just need 1 pin :/

DevinCarpenter commented 1 year ago

If you need other pins you can actually order a separate board just for ADC pin expansion. Take a look at the SparkFun Qwiic 12 Bit ADC board.

I don't know how to repurpose those pins - but this is an alternative. Also I2C can have a ton of devices all connected to the same pins so if you're already using the I2C pins you can add this board onto that and just differentiate communication between the two by their hardware address. Also you can use SoftI2C if you'd like to use other GPIO instead of the hardware I2C (Pins 21/22).

If you'd like to add ADC pins USING the SPI pins then you can also use something like the MCP3008 chip

or a breakout board for adding ADC over SPI like this from Mikroe