Xinyuan-LilyGO / LilyGO-T-SIM7000G

LilyGO T-SIM7000G
283 stars 123 forks source link

Read battery? #223

Open killerbeat12 opened 1 year ago

killerbeat12 commented 1 year ago

How could i read battery voltage from the battery that could be connected on the board?

jjharlow commented 1 year ago

That's covered pretty well here:

killerbeat12 commented 1 year ago

That's covered pretty well here:

#104 (comment)

Thank you very much, code is almost looking good, i got error on :program.ino:181:5: error: 'sortData' was not declared in this scope sortData(voltageBuffer, VReads);

sortData is not a function in the code and is missing?

jjharlow commented 1 year ago

You have to add that function, he covered it here.

procopio commented 11 months ago

Sorry to came back to this topic, but I'm getting this strange reads from your function, what could be wrong please?

I'm feeding fixed 4v and 5A in battery socket with a power source.

readVcc voltageBuffer = 2460.00, 2463.00, 2465.00, 2466.00, 2466.00, 2471.00, 2480.00, 2480.00, 2481.00, 2481.00, 2484.00, 2484.00, 2486.00, 2492.00, 2496.00, ! readVcc voltageBuffer = 2453.00, 2455.00, 2458.00, 2462.00, 2467.00, 2467.00, 2467.00, 2468.00, 2473.00, 2473.00, 2483.00, 2487.00, 2490.00, 2491.00, 2497.00, ! readVcc voltageBuffer = 2461.00, 2465.00, 2466.00, 2469.00, 2470.00, 2474.00, 2477.00, 2478.00, 2481.00, 2482.00, 2483.00, 2485.00, 2487.00, 2496.00, 2496.00, ! readVcc voltageBuffer = 2461.00, 2461.00, 2463.00, 2465.00, 2467.00, 2471.00, 2474.00, 2479.00, 2480.00, 2481.00, 2482.00, 2485.00, 2486.00, 2487.00, 2496.00, ! readVcc voltageBuffer = 2466.00, 2474.00, 2475.00, 2479.00, 2480.00, 2482.00, 2482.00, 2485.00, 2486.00, 2488.00, 2489.00, 2494.00, 2494.00, 2495.00, 2495.00, ! readVcc voltageBuffer = 2457.00, 2465.00, 2475.00, 2475.00, 2475.00, 2478.00, 2480.00, 2480.00, 2480.00, 2480.00, 2481.00, 2481.00, 2481.00, 2481.00, 2495.00, ! readVcc voltageBuffer = 2461.00, 2465.00, 2468.00, 2470.00, 2471.00, 2474.00, 2475.00, 2480.00, 2480.00, 2484.00, 2485.00, 2488.00, 2490.00, 2493.00, 2493.00, ! readVcc voltageBuffer = 2459.00, 2465.00, 2467.00, 2467.00, 2469.00, 2475.00, 2475.00, 2477.00, 2478.00, 2480.00, 2482.00, 2487.00, 2493.00, 2494.00, 2496.00, ! readVcc voltageBuffer = 2457.00, 2462.00, 2467.00, 2467.00, 2470.00, 2471.00, 2474.00, 2476.00, 2477.00, 2481.00, 2489.00, 2492.00, 2493.00, 2495.00, 2498.00, ! readVcc voltageBuffer = 2455.00, 2459.00, 2459.00, 2461.00, 2469.00, 2470.00, 2471.00, 2474.00, 2478.00, 2480.00, 2480.00, 2490.00, 2491.00, 2498.00, 2499.00, ! readVcc voltageBuffer = 2455.00, 2462.00, 2464.00, 2471.00, 2471.00, 2471.00, 2475.00, 2476.00, 2479.00, 2479.00, 2482.00, 2486.00, 2486.00, 2489.00, 2491.00, ! readVcc voltageBuffer = 2462.00, 2465.00, 2469.00, 2469.00, 2469.00, 2469.00, 2475.00, 2476.00, 2479.00, 2479.00, 2480.00, 2481.00, 2483.00, 2492.00, 2494.00, ! readVcc voltageBuffer = 2465.00, 2465.00, 2466.00, 2469.00, 2469.00, 2470.00, 2474.00, 2475.00, 2475.00, 2475.00, 2479.00, 2480.00, 2483.00, 2485.00, 2491.00, ! readVcc voltageBuffer = 2464.00, 2467.00, 2469.00, 2469.00, 2471.00, 2471.00, 2474.00, 2476.00, 2478.00, 2479.00, 2479.00, 2480.00, 2481.00, 2481.00, 2488.00, ! readVcc voltageBuffer = 2466.00, 2469.00, 2471.00, 2474.00, 2477.00, 2480.00, 2480.00, 2481.00, 2483.00, 2486.00, 2486.00, 2487.00, 2495.00, 2496.00, 2496.00, ! readVcc Read_buffer, bat, BP = 37161 , 4.35 , 109.06 batteryVoltage = 109%

void sortData(float data[], int8_t size) {             // Sorts all data small to large
    float swapper;
    for (int8_t i = 0; i < (size - 1); i++) {
        for (int8_t o = 0; o < (size - (i + 1)); o++) {
            if (data[o] > data[o + 1]) {
                swapper = data[o];
                data[o] = data[o + 1];
                data[o + 1] = swapper;

float mapBatt(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max) {
    float ret = (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
    if (ret < 0) { ret = 0; }
    return ret;

int readVcc() {         // reads and returns the battery voltage
    int VReads = 15;
    float voltageBuffer[VReads];
    uint32_t Read_buffer = 0;
    for (int x = 0; x < VReads; x++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < VReads; i++) {
            voltageBuffer[i] = (uint32_t)analogRead(BATTERY_POWER_PIN);
        sortData(voltageBuffer, VReads);

        DEBUG_print(F("******* readVcc voltageBuffer = "));
        for (size_t i = 0; i < VReads; i++) {
            DEBUG_print(F(", "));

        Read_buffer += (voltageBuffer[(VReads - 1) / 2]);        

    float bat = (((float)(Read_buffer / VReads) / 4096) * 3600 * 2) / 1000;
    float BP = mapBatt(bat, 2.5, 4.2, 0, 100);     // get battery voltage as a percentage 0-100%

    DEBUG_print(F("******* readVcc Read_buffer, bat, BP = "));
    DEBUG_print(F(" , "));
    DEBUG_print(F(" , "));

    return (int)BP;

EDIT: with 3.6v it gives me: *** readVcc Read_buffer, bat, BP = 33269 , 3.90 , 82.18

with 3.3v: *** readVcc Read_buffer, bat, BP = 30250 , 3.54 , 61.40

with 4v: *** readVcc Read_buffer, bat, BP = 37160 , 4.35 , 109.06

fgnievinski commented 5 months ago

a better answer: