Xinyuan-LilyGO / LilyGO-T-SIM7000G

LilyGO T-SIM7000G
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T-SIM7070G Galileo and Beidou not working #231

Open xyzzy42 opened 1 year ago

xyzzy42 commented 1 year ago

Has anyone ever gotten these systems to work on SIM7070G?

I can get GPS and GLONASS to work. But not Galileo and Beidou.

SIM7070 AT Command manual has two ways to control GNSS system. One is AT+CGNSMOD and the other is AT+SGNSCFG="MODE".

The manual says for changing MODE, "If ok you need reboot module." This appears to be true. Changing it has no effect until after rebooting with AT+CREBOOT or power cycling the module.

As far as I can tell, AT+CGNSMOD doesn't do anything.

If I set GPS+GLONASS mode with AT+SGNSCFG="MODE",0, then I get both GPGSV and GLGSV data, for GPS and GLONASS satellite info, respectively. Using AT+CGNSMOD=1,0,0,0,0 for GPS only, AT+CGNSMOD=1,1,0,0,0 for GPS+GLONASS, or AT+CGNSMOD=1,0,0,1,0 for GPS+Galileo, makes no difference in this. All settings give GPS+GLONASS. Of course I tried rebooting, power cycling, etc. after changing it too, didn't help.

Setting AT+SGNSCFG="MODE",1 for GPS+Galileo results in only GPGSV data. The GAGSV line for the Galileo satellite info is empty, zero satellites, e.g. "$GAGSV,1,1,0,3*47. TheGLGSVfor GLONASS is empty too. So it does turn off GLONASS to changeMODE` to 1, but Galileo doesn't seem to work.

AT+SGNSCFG="MODE",2 for BeiDou is the same as the above. It never finds a satellite, $BDGSV,1,1,0,4*40

One might be tempted to blame the reception. But it picks up a bunch of GPS and GLONASS satellites just fine. Why should Galileo and BeiDou reception be any different? Galileo is even at the same L1 frequency as GPS, while GLONASS is a bit different. Also another GPS device I have gets Galileo just fine from the same positions. And I have tried moving it to different places too.