Xinyuan-LilyGO / LilyGo-AMOLED-Series

LilyGo AMOLED Series
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Location of external psram component #36

Open amir1387aht opened 3 weeks ago

amir1387aht commented 3 weeks ago

Can somebody show me which component is psram?

StevenLCox commented 2 weeks ago

The ESP32S3 R8 has the 8MB PSRAM built into it's package. Basically it's a multichip module. So no external RAM on the LilyGo PCB is needed. Take a look at the ESP32S3 dataset page 10. There is an external flash chip on the PCB. -Steve

amir1387aht commented 2 weeks ago

The ESP32S3 R8 has the 8MB PSRAM built into it's package. Basically it's a multichip module. So no external RAM on the LilyGo PCB is needed. Take a look at the ESP32S3 dataset page 10. There is an external flash chip on the PCB. -Steve

Thank you!

amir1387aht commented 2 weeks ago

The ESP32S3 R8 has the 8MB PSRAM built into it's package. Basically it's a multichip module. So no external RAM on the LilyGo PCB is needed. Take a look at the ESP32S3 dataset page 10. There is an external flash chip on the PCB. -Steve

And a question, it is possible to add more psram?

StevenLCox commented 2 weeks ago

I guess there are two ways to add more RAM. Looking at the ESP32S3 datasheet there is the ESP32-S3R16V version that has 16MB of in-package PSRAM. You could also make your own board with an SPI or QPI PSRAM chip like this .

Also maybe something like this:, (I haven't looked at these in any detail but am guessing that the ESP32S3 could support them. Not sure how they would fit into the memory map.)

amir1387aht commented 2 weeks ago

I guess there are two ways to add more RAM. Looking at the ESP32S3 datasheet there is the ESP32-S3R16V version that has 16MB of in-package PSRAM. You could also make your own board with an SPI or QPI PSRAM chip like this .

Also maybe something like this:, (I haven't looked at these in any detail but am guessing that the ESP32S3 could support them. Not sure how they would fit into the memory map.)
