Xinyuan-LilyGO / LilyGo-AMOLED-Series

LilyGo AMOLED Series
MIT License
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Port to esp-idf #7

Closed krupis closed 2 months ago

krupis commented 4 months ago

Hey, I have initially struggled a bit to get the T-Display-S3 to work on the esp-idf but I got it to work and made it publicly available at:

Are there drivers available for the AMOLED display on the esp-idf?

lewisxhe commented 4 months ago

Hi, krupis. The driver part can be directly copied to esp-idf for use, because the driver method is still the method of calling esp-idf, so it is the same

krupis commented 4 months ago

When we talk about the driver, are we referring to the following files:

LilyGo_AMOLED.h LilyGo_AMOLED.cpp that are located at

If that is the case, I do no understand what you mean when you say that I can copy drivers directly to the esp-idf becaue LilyGo_AMOLED.h uses bunch of Arduino includes and those includes are not recognised in esp-idf image

Or are we talking about completely different driver source files? Where can I find them?

Could you clarify how do I port the driver to the esp-idf? I believe this will be useful not only for me but also other people who develop on esp-idf instead of Arduino. Since LilyGo does not share esp-idf examples often (No idea why would LilyGo prefer using Arduino instead of esp-idf), I want to port this to the esp-idf and share with the community :) Thanks in advance!

lewisxhe commented 4 months ago

What I said is that the driving method is the same, not that you directly copy the src. Later, I will give a collection example of all AMOLEDs using ESP-IDF drivers.

lewisxhe commented 3 months ago

I've done most of the basic examples for LilyGo displays, you can find them here