Xinyuan-LilyGO / LilyGo-EPD47

GNU General Public License v3.0
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LilyGo-EPD47/examples/drawImages/ - what is used to create the .h files #27

Closed markbirss closed 3 years ago

markbirss commented 3 years ago

For the examples what was used to create the .h files Howto convert jpg to .h ?

G6EJD commented 3 years ago

There is a script have you checked out the image converter variant?

markbirss commented 3 years ago

yes i have this one for example

but i get the same picture displayed smaller 4 times next each other?

G6EJD commented 3 years ago

No need copy the file you want .jpg into a folder and copy imgconvert then run it using g the example provided imgconvert source.ext destination.ext then copy the resultant .h file to your sketch

G6EJD commented 3 years ago
  1. On Windows PC install Python 3.91 or later, find it here:

  2. Install Python

  3. Create an accessible folder e.g. EPD47 e.g. C:\EPD47 ***Note this folder must be accessible to the cmd pompt A better location might be in your Documents folder usually located at C\Your-Username\Documents, example: Directory of C:\Users\david\EPD47

  4. Copy your source .JPG images to the folder

  5. Transfer the following files to your EPD47 folder - and they are located in the EDP47 Library script folder

  6. Install Python 3.91, start a Windows cmd prompt, and chage directory to the folder EPD47: cd C:\Users\david\EPD47

  7. To create an image for display, enter this at the command prompt: -i sourceimagename.jpg - n requiredname -o outputfile.h

  8. Example convert sunny.jpg to sunny.h -n sunny -i sunny.jpg -o sunny.h

  9. The image file is now created, include the file in your code like this #include "sunny.h"

markbirss commented 3 years ago

I dont use Windows

but i see it on this page thanks