Xinyuan-LilyGO / LilyGo-HiGrow
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Is there a reason I cannot read any sensor value using micropython? #59

Closed DanielBustillos closed 2 years ago

DanielBustillos commented 2 years ago

I would like to make this board work in micropython, since I work mainly in python, but I can read any sensor value, neither DH11or soil moisture capacitance. For the DHT11 sensor I receive a Timeout error, since I can´t read the value of pin 16 and for moisture sensor I receive a 0 value voltage for pin 32.

Is it something related to time frequency or power suply? Any help or advice is welcome.


DanielBustillos commented 2 years ago

For reference, you have to set pin 4 as high so the sensors receive any reading:

p0 = Pin(4, Pin.OUT) # create output pin p0.value(1) # set pin to on/high