Xinyuan-LilyGO / LilyGo-LoRa-Series

LILYGO LoRa Series examples
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T3-S3 SX1262 will not boot with any powerbank #170

Closed madler closed 3 weeks ago

madler commented 3 weeks ago

When I get USB-C power from my desktop or laptop computer, my LILYGO LoRa T3-S3 works great. The blue LED comes on, it boots, and it operates, flashing the green LED.

However if I try to plug it into any of my powerbanks, the blue LED comes on, but it refuses to boot. This is on three different powerbanks with USB-C supplies, from different manufacturers including Anker, as well as two very large batteries (Jackery and Bluetti), also with USB-C supplies.

I have a USB-C power monitor, which shows 5+ V being supplied in all cases, powerbank or computer, with a few ten's of mA draw.

Why is this radio refusing to work with powerbanks?

moshe-braner commented 3 weeks ago

See my related thread: After I switched to the ESP board support "core" from version 2.0.3 to 2.0.17 this problem was solved. It boots OK from a plain USB power source, no matter whether I compile with "USB CDC on boot" enabled or disabled. This was supposedly a bug in Serial.print() in the older versions of the Arduino-ESP board support.

madler commented 3 weeks ago

@moshe-braner Thanks! I updated the software to an Alpha version and that must have the updated core code since it now works with powerbanks.

oshanz commented 21 minutes ago

Hi, does this board support PD negotiation. or do we need to supply fixed 5v from usb c?