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SoftRF Prime MK3 not receiving GPS Position / Satellite Connection #177

Open LouisTrinczek opened 1 week ago

LouisTrinczek commented 1 week ago


I already had opened an issue at the SoftRF Github Repository, but they sent me to you, the manufacturers of the LilyGo ESP32-S3.

As stated in this Issue, I am not able, when running the latest SoftRF Firmware, to connect to any GPS Satellites and receive GPS Data.

How would I be able to troubleshoot this issue?

LouisTrinczek commented 1 week ago I installed all of these firmwares one after another, but it didn't seem to fix it as well.

I can connect in u-center2, but it won't show me any gps data

lyusupov commented 6 days ago

LouisTrinczek commented 6 days ago

Hey @lyusupov, thanks for your reply.

I left it out waiting for sometimes 10-15 minutes.

And on top of that, I don't use the antenna that is shipped with it, I ordered the larger antenna that is listed in the SoftRF Docs and screwed it on.

So that's why i'm still wondering why it won't receive any signals.

Just wondering, so that it isn't a factor: I don't have the 18650 battery installed yet, but i'm powering it with USB from the laptop. Shouldn't be a problem right?

lyusupov commented 6 days ago

ordered the larger antenna that is listed in the SoftRF Docs

there is no any GNSS antenna "listed in the SoftRF Docs"

The SoftRF Gitter thread is talking about active (built-in LNA) GNSS antenna with uFL connector that can substitute the LilyGO stock one if it is defective or does not supply enough gain.

i'm powering it with USB from the laptop

USB power noise can kill sensitivity of any ISM band radio and/or GNSS receiver modules.

LouisTrinczek commented 6 days ago

What is this larger 868 MHz Antenna that I put on? Is it not also for better GPS Receiving?

LouisTrinczek commented 6 days ago

image This has been lying outside for 35 Minutes now again.

I got 4 Satellites now, but not any position yet. And not receiving, nor sending any packets yet.

LouisTrinczek commented 6 days ago

I left it out for a bit longer now.

After 4 and a half hours it somewhen began transmitting and receiving signals, also showing a gps Position. But still no gps satellites, which doesn't quite make sense, the height is wrong and the position is only accurate to ~ 4km.

That is usually not how it's supposed to be, right?


lewisxhe commented 2 days ago

Are you using Ublox or L76K? If the antenna is in the visible sky, the positioning speed of these two modules is generally 1-2 minutes, and in a clear sky, it can be locked in one minute. I think the antenna problem should be ruled out first.