Xinyuan-LilyGO / LilyGo-LoRa-Series

LILYGO LoRa Series examples
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Closed dragosmacovei closed 3 years ago

dragosmacovei commented 3 years ago
LoRa Receiver


This is the output I get with TTN_OTTA example on TTGO T-Beam. I did tried to

#define CFG_eu868 1
//#define CFG_us915 1
// This is the SX1272/SX1273 radio, which is also used on the HopeRF
// RFM92 boards.
#define CFG_sx1272_radio 1
// This is the SX1276/SX1277/SX1278/SX1279 radio, which is also used on
// the HopeRF RFM95 boards.
//#define CFG_sx1276_radio 1

change from CFG_sx1272_radioto CFG_sx1276_radio but the other ASSERT fails

#ifdef CFG_sx1276_radio
    ASSERT(v == 0x12 );
#elif CFG_sx1272_radio
    ASSERT(v == 0x22 );
#error Missing CFG_sx1272_radio/CFG_sx1276_radio
lewisxhe commented 3 years ago

If you use arduino ide, you need to rename TTN_OTTA.cpp to TTN_OTTA.ino. I did not report an error on my computer! short

lewisxhe commented 3 years ago

Issues have not been active for a long time and will be closed