Xinyuan-LilyGO / LilyGo-LoRa-Series

LILYGO LoRa Series examples
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LoRa RSSI calculation #66

Closed SaeedMagsi closed 1 year ago

SaeedMagsi commented 2 years ago

According to the SX1276 data sheet the RSSI calculation formula should be -157+PacketRssi+PacketSnr*0.25(when using HF port and SNR<0) but here in this code there is no SNR part added. secondly the mid band threshold in the code is 868e6 but it should be 525e6. Am i wrong or is there anything wrong in the code? please let me know because i need a very accurate rssi and snr values for my research. Thank you.

maxgerhardt commented 2 years ago

Reference to thread.

lewisxhe commented 1 year ago

There is no activity for a long time. Please reopen it if there are other problems