Xinyuan-LilyGO / LilyGo-LoRa-Series

LILYGO LoRa Series examples
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Schematic for T-Beam v0.7 is incorrect #76

Closed Leo-PL closed 1 year ago

Leo-PL commented 1 year ago

When trying to repair my T-Beam v0.7 board, I found that currently posted schematic doesn't match reality for T22_V07 board. The schematic shows connection of GPS TXD1/RXD1 to GPIO34/35, respctively, while in reality they connect to GPIO15 and GPIO12. Could you please upload the correct schematic?

lewisxhe commented 1 year ago

First of all, I'm sorry that we uploaded the wrong schematic diagram, because V07 has not been sold for a long time, and the schematic diagram may not be available. The RX TX defined in our program is correct. I will close this problem first, and reopen it if you need other help