Xinyuan-LilyGO / LilyGo-LoRa-Series

LILYGO LoRa Series examples
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TTN_OTAA example fails at T-MOTION device #77

Closed efreeform closed 1 year ago

efreeform commented 1 year ago

I am trying TTN_OTTA example at the T-MOTION board. I managed to successfully upload it to the device but after putting it back at the USB port at the serial terminal i receive the following:

LoRa Receiver FAILURE

efreeform commented 1 year ago

it seems that the PINOUT for T-MOTION at the example is wrong

efreeform commented 1 year ago

The PInout is OK, i added the following line const lmic_pinmap *pPinMap=&lmic_pins;

and replace os_init(); with os_init_ex(pPinMap).

Now it passes the os_init state but it fails at the LMIC_reset() with an error radio.c:1164

lbuque commented 1 year ago

@efreeform I tested the LoRaWAN/OTTA example and it works fine.

You can update this repo.

I am using platformio, and made some modifications to platformio.ini:

diff --git a/examples/LoRaWAN/OTTA/platformio.ini b/examples/LoRaWAN/OTTA/platformio.ini
index d8f6050..5b88c43 100644
--- a/examples/LoRaWAN/OTTA/platformio.ini
+++ b/examples/LoRaWAN/OTTA/platformio.ini
@@ -54,5 +54,12 @@ build_flags = -D LILYGO_T3_V2_0
 platform = ststm32
 board = nucleo_l073rz
 framework = arduino
 upload_protocol = dfu
-build_flags = -D LILYGO_T_MOTION_S76G
+build_flags =
+    -D USBCON
\ No newline at end of file

ttn received the data.
