Xinyuan-LilyGO / LilyGo-LoRa-Series

LILYGO LoRa Series examples
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LilyGo T3S3 V1.1 LoRa SX1280 poor range #83

Closed palia95 closed 1 year ago

palia95 commented 1 year ago


In the last months I've been playing a bit with the LilyGo T3S3 V1.1, which has a 2.4GHz SX1280 LoRa modem. Anyway, I'm getting a veri poor range on the LoRa protocol (just a few meters) and I really can't understand why, since many people with the same modem can achieve several KMs while performing the ranging.

I am using the same antenna bundled together with the board and I'm using the same ranging example provided by this repo. Any suggestion? I also noticed that a few weeks ago the TXPower limit has been changed from 12 to 3, why? I've been using the old code until last week with the same bad results.

Where am I wrong?

lewisxhe commented 1 year ago

Are you using the SX1280 with PA?

palia95 commented 1 year ago

I am using the reference example on the Repo

lewisxhe commented 1 year ago

"No, I mean, do you use the version with PA power amplification? If you are unsure, please send me a product link"

palia95 commented 1 year ago

It's this one, with SX1280 with PA, so yes, it should have it

lewisxhe commented 1 year ago

oh Please contact the merchant you purchased to replace a board. Remember to provide the merchant with a Github conversation record

palia95 commented 1 year ago

oh Please contact the merchant you purchased to replace a board. Remember to provide the merchant with a Github conversation record

Ok, but can you please explain me if it's an hardware or a software problem? Because I bought 10 of them. Does the V1.1 change something?

lewisxhe commented 1 year ago

10? Are all 10 distances 2 meters?

palia95 commented 1 year ago

some of them work up to 3-4 meters, others just a couple of meters, RSSI is very low on all the boards

balynt2048 commented 1 year ago

Hi @palia95 , did you manage to solve this issue?

I have recently purchased 3 pieces of LilyGo T3S3 v1.1 boards with the SX1262 and I seem to have the same issue. The original arduino firmware on the boards out of the box showed good operation; I set one board to lora send, the other to receive and they could ping with RSSI as good as -33, this lowered to -80 at about 2 meters. Then, I flashed the board to use micropython and managed to get basic pinging working with some driver I found ( But now I see the what you are seeing, that even when the boards are at 1 cm away, the best RSSI I get is -80, this decreases to -110 at 1 meter, then about 2 meters, the signal is lost completely.

My guess is that there is something wrong with how I program the SX chip to configure the power amplifier, even though there really is a command to set power settings in the initialization sequence of my micropython driver.

Would be grateful for any tips! Thanks!

palia95 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I got some new boards and even the new ones have the same issue of the poor lora range. I'm using the last example code available on GitHub

lewisxhe commented 1 year ago

Which sample code did you use?

palia95 commented 1 year ago

Which sample code did you use?


Master and Slaves

But even using the old one, with TXpower now set to 3, I still get a poor range

lewisxhe commented 1 year ago

This was tested by another person, and I only uploaded it to T3S3 users for testing. Recently, I was on vacation. Now I have tested that this is problematic and has no reference value. Can you test this

It should be normal Regarding distance measurement, I am still actively communicating with the manufacturer to ask them to help us solve this problem. I will update them if there is progress in the future