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T-Beam Supreme Arduino IDE Settings for SoftRF? #95

Closed VirusPilot closed 1 year ago

VirusPilot commented 1 year ago

I am trying to compile/flash SoftRF for my just arrived T-Beam Supreme board in Arduino IDE but maybe some of my settings are incorrect so that the final flashing stage won‘t work. SoftRF hasn‘t published any settings either so I am just guessing about the settings - please advise (Board: ESP32S3 Dev Module?):

lewisxhe commented 1 year ago

There are firmware build instructions here. The key points are not explained, I make the following explanations

Board: ESP32S3 Dev Module
USB CDC on Boot (enabled)
USB DFU on Boot (disabled)
USB Firmware MSC on Boot (enable)
Upload Mode (UART0 / Hardware CDC)
USB Mode (Hardware CDC and JTAG)
Flash Mode (QIO)
Flash Size (8MB with spiffs) ESP32S3 uses tinyuf2 partition table, You need to rename `partitions-8MB.csv` to esp32 `default_8MB.csv` in the core tools\partitions directory

@lyusupov Am I right?

VirusPilot commented 1 year ago

Thanks for now, will try tomorrow.

VirusPilot commented 1 year ago

With "USB CDC on Boot (enabled)" I am running into the following error:

../SoftRF/software/firmware/source/SoftRF/src/platform/ESP32.cpp:1047:7: error: 'USB' was not declared in this scope if (USB.manufacturerName(ESP32SX_Device_Manufacturer)) {

VirusPilot commented 1 year ago

It took me a while to find the solution: USB-OTG CDC (TinyUSB) needs to be selected for USB and Upload Mode. Furthermore instead of compile/upload the binary has to be exported using Export Compiled Binary. Then after converting it to UF2 it needs to be uploaded to the TBEAMBOOT drive as described. Not sure why USB Firmware MSC on Boot should be enabled, will do further testing.

lewisxhe commented 1 year ago

You are right, I ignored it.

VirusPilot commented 1 year ago

So as mentioned, all fine now since USB-OTG CDC (TinyUSB) is selected.