Xinyuan-LilyGO / LilyGo-T-OI-PLUS

esp32-c3 development board with 16340 battery holder
MIT License
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I can't make connection with arduino ID #32

Open Jorgebar1806 opened 1 year ago

Jorgebar1806 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I am using version 1.8 of arduino, I have followed all the steps but I get a connection error, does anyone have a tutorial, I have installed drivers, I have put in the battery, it still recognizes the wifi ssid, the crystal, but it shows a time out error, thanks for your help, I'm using w10.

freiscardillo commented 1 year ago

Replace your USB cable, I had problems using cables that already worked on ESP32 WROVER-B but wont on ESP32 C3

JeanBlignaut commented 10 months ago

I have tried more than one cable and am able to use cable with other brands C3 boards. I have tried updating serial drivers too

JeanBlignaut commented 10 months ago

I had somewhat similar experience now with Colin c3 pico but was resolved after performing steps to set that board to DFU mode - any such steps for lilygo t-io plus?