Closed JpEncausse closed 3 months ago
Please refer to UnitTestExample , HT74HC595_OUT_EN only needs to be set to LOW after power-on. Do not operate this GPIO afterwards.
ShiftRegister74HC595_NonTemplate *HT74HC595 = NULL;
void setupRelay()
HT74HC595 = new ShiftRegister74HC595_NonTemplate(8, HT74HC595_DATA, HT74HC595_CLOCK, HT74HC595_LATCH);
pinMode(HT74HC595_OUT_EN, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(HT74HC595_OUT_EN, HIGH); // Close output data HT74HC595
digitalWrite(HT74HC595_OUT_EN, LOW);
void loopRelay()
static unsigned long relay_t0 = millis();
unsigned long t1 = millis();
int delta = t1 - relay_t0;
for (int i = 0; i < relayCount; i++) {
if (relayTime[i] == 0 && relayState[i] == false){ continue; }
relayTime[i] -= delta;
if (relayTime[i] > 0){
if (relayState[i] == false){
HT74HC595->set(i, HIGH, true);
relayState[i] = true;
Serial.printf("Relay %d: %d\n", i, relayTime[i]);
relayTime[i] = 0;
relayState[i] = false;
HT74HC595->set(i, LOW, true);
Serial.printf("Relay %d: OFF\n", i);
relay_t0 = t1;
Ohhh thanks it works ! I looked into multiple sample doing this so I was not sure. Many thanks !
Hello, I bought a T-Relay S3 I try yo make it work, my code seems ok but nothing happened and I don't know how to debug.
My code is inspired from HT74HC595 here is the Setup part:
and the loop part
I have a WebSocket that change the relayTime so every x millisecond watch and decide to keep the relay HIGH or LOW.
But nothing happened and my code seems OK. Can you please tell me what I'm missing ?