Xinyuan-LilyGO / LilyGo-T-SIM7080G

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Couldn't upload a sketch #51

Closed MiloradLalovic closed 2 months ago

MiloradLalovic commented 2 months ago

I bought a new board but I failed to get started with it. First I installed the USB driver on Windows 11 PRO in safe mode because the drivers were not signed and then I tried to upload a sketch to the ESP32 but every time I tried I failed, also I tried any combination of USB-serial ports with different speeds and boot/rest buttons. I have to mention that AT commands are working. Does anyone know what is a problem?

Screenshot 2024-04-06 190727

USB/Serial drivers: Screenshot 2024-04-06 191806

AT commands: Screenshot 2024-04-06 192117

Output from a PlatformIO on the monitor panel when I directly connected to TX/RX pins through the USB-Serial dongle on the VBox Ubuntu OS:

Screenshot 2024-04-07 110556

MiloradLalovic commented 2 months ago
