Xinyuan-LilyGO / LilyGo-T-SIM7080G

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Ways to check power status ? #61

Closed dannybackx closed 1 month ago

dannybackx commented 2 months ago

Hey, I bought this board to be able to send warnings even if the house network is down, or the power. So can the board measure its supply voltage by itself ? Or do I need external circuitry ? Same question for the battery : can I measure its voltage level ?


lewisxhe commented 2 months ago

This board has a PMU that can monitor the battery voltage. If it is an external voltage, you need to build your own circuit to measure it.

dannybackx commented 2 months ago

Meanwhile I have been experimenting and found out it can measure quite some stuff so looks like I can both detect when the battery is low but also when external power goes out and comes back :

I (18:38:40.891) power: Battery voltage 4199, percentage 86
I (18:38:40.898) power: Power: isCharging: YES
I (18:38:40.903) power: Power: isDischarge: NO
I (18:38:40.908) power: Power: isVbusIn: YES
I (18:38:40.913) power: Power: getBattVoltage: 4199 mV
I (18:38:40.919) power: Power: getVbusVoltage: 4969 mV
I (18:38:40.925) power: Power: getSystemVoltage: 4940 mV