Xinyuan-LilyGO / T-A7608X

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GNSS coordinates wrong #15

Open matega opened 1 year ago

matega commented 1 year ago

I'm using the TinyGSM_Net_GNSS example. The reported coordinates are wrong when the decimal part of the latitude has leading zeroes, because they are omitted. Example (edited for privacy reasons):

For the location 8FVQ63CF+97:

Returned: +CGNSSINFO: 3,06,01,47.2209676,N,15.7324227,E,240623,164300.31,190.0,0.688,,5.1,4.1,3.1,05

Valid one would be:

+CGNSSINFO: 3,06,01,47.2209676,N,15.0732422,E,240623,164300.31,190.0,0.688,,5.1,4.1,3.1,05

Even the count of the decimal places are the same, so the user program cannot even fix the error in software. Is there a fix for this? In the current state the GPS module is useless.

GabrielZre commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem for LILYGO® T-SIM A7608E-H the leading 0 is omitted. Treat it as a BUMP.

Please update the thread if this huge issue is somehow resolved.

matega commented 1 year ago

I'm using the same module, I just forgot to mention it: A7608E-H.

My workaround will probably be ordering a separate GPS module for 10 bucks, opening a dispute and leaving a bad review.

gasagna commented 1 year ago


I think this issue is due to a bug in the SIMCOM firmware and there is not much that LilyGo can actually do, except perhaps report the bug upstream and provide the latest version of the firmware.

I might have two workarounds for this issues, as I am developing a library for the A76XX family (here, work in progress.. gps functionality not ready yet).

  1. can you issue the AT command "AT+CGPSINFO" instead of "AT+GNSSINFO". Would be interesting to see if this command has the same issue.
  2. You can try parsing the NMEA strings that are outputted upon issuing the command "AT+CGNSSTST=1".

You can read more about the GNSS functionality in the AT command manual (latest version is 1.09) and the GNSS application note available upon registration on the SIMCOM website.

matega commented 1 year ago

Hi @gasagna !

Thanks for your suggestions! Both of them seem to work. It looks like they didn't try to reformat the GPS coordinates in AT+CGPSINFO, so they had no opportunity to screw them up. Also the raw NMEA data seems to work (you need to do AT+CGNSSPORTSWITCH=1,1 too)

I agree, the bug is 100% in the SIMCOM firmware. They're still selling a broken product with broken example code and they weren't the ones provding support here in their own repository, it was the community (i.e. you).

gasagna commented 1 year ago

Hi @matega,

glad this helped.

And, yes, I agree with you. Support from lilygo is generally quite poor, especially in this repo. But their products are quite price competitive, so i got stuck with them even if I have been tempted to throw everything out of the window and buy more expensive hardware multiple times, as you can see from the other issues in this repository.

lewisxhe commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone .

I uploaded an example of directly outputting NMEA messages through a modem to obtain location and other information

lewisxhe commented 1 year ago

Please send AT+SIMCOMATI to get the current version information, and scan the QR code on the modem to report the version you are currently using and provide it to me. I will ask SIMCOM for the latest firmware to see if the problem of coordinate errors can be solved by upgrading. . Please block IMEI, IMEI do not send to me

GabrielZre commented 1 year ago

Manufacturer: INCORPORATED Model: A7608E-H Revision: A7600M7_V5.0 +GCAP: +CGSM,+FCLASS,+DS


lewisxhe commented 1 year ago

Give me some time, I want SIMCOM to seek a new version of firmware

lewisxhe commented 1 year ago

Hi, everyone Currently the latest firmware is B08, please try to upgrade the latest firmware for testing

A7608 UpgradeFirmware video Update tools A7608E-H FW A7608SA-H FW

GabrielZre commented 1 year ago

After flashing latest firmware - A7608E-H_Nor_Facotry_only_Erase_All The problem still occurs. The leading 0 is omitted in gps location (CGNSSINFO)

GabrielZre commented 1 year ago

Example GPS_NMEA_Parse cant find location in my case. When im outside, CGNSSINFO and CGPSINFO is finding location really fast.

@matega could you please share your code? Does this GPS_NMEA_Parse works fine in your case on the same board?

lewisxhe commented 1 year ago

I tested it before I uploaded the example, but I didn't test it after I took the upgrade video, and found that the baud rate is not 115200, but 9600, changing the baud rate will correctly parse NMEA

lewisxhe commented 1 year ago

I have reported to SIMCOM that the coordinates obtained by CGNSSINFO are wrong, and there is nothing I can do at the moment, I can only wait for them to provide updated firmware. If there is a new firmware, I will release it in time.

gasagna commented 12 months ago

Hi, everyone Currently the latest firmware is B08, please try to upgrade the latest firmware for testing

A7608 UpgradeFirmware video Update tools A7608E-H FW A7608SA-H FW

Hi @lewisxhe, can you also share the release notes for this firmware version, or a changelog? thanks

lewisxhe commented 12 months ago

Those who have not yet updated can pause the update. I have already reported that SIMCOM has the same issue with version b08, and they are currently fixing it. When will it be completed and I will release it

lewisxhe commented 11 months ago

Hi, everyone Currently the latest firmware is B11, please try to upgrade the latest firmware for testing

A7608 UpgradeFirmware video Update tools A7608E-H FW A7608SA-H FW

ivanvaccari commented 8 months ago

I want to add some infos to be here for the eternity:

Github hosted files (to prevent losing access to the shared onedrive files)