Xinyuan-LilyGO / T-A7608X

MIT License
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Standby mode #19

Open herve-tourrel opened 9 months ago

herve-tourrel commented 9 months ago

Hello, with what code file did you achieve a consumption in standby mode of 125 uA. I arrive at 175 uA but when I ask for a wake-up call 20 hours later I always have a moment after a few hours where the consumption goes to around 80 mA without me being able to determine why. And the system does not wake up correctly. My code works correctly when USB is plugged in.

herve-tourrel commented 8 months ago

The problem is solved. When operating in battery mode, you must not forget // disable brownout detector allows you to turn on the simcom module without interrupting the power supply WRITE_PERI_REG(RTC_CNTL_BROWN_OUT_REG, 0); because the voltage across the battery drops by 1.5 V which causes a “Brownout detector was triggered” and therefore a reset. The inrush current when starting the A7608 is around 2A. It might be necessary to add decoupling capacitors on the card. I have the impression that some are planned but not welded.