Xinyuan-LilyGO / T-CAN485

MIT License
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how to send data from lilygo esp32 by can protocol to another lilygo esp32 by can protocol and read data on serial monitors #22

Open Abdelrahmanars91 opened 1 month ago

Abdelrahmanars91 commented 1 month ago

hello im use LILYGO esp32 can but when include library not done . this massage Error: 13 INTERNAL: Library install failed: moving extracted archive to destination dir: library not valid

Llgok commented 4 days ago

hello im use LILYGO esp32 can but when include library not done . this massage Error: 13 INTERNAL: Library install failed: moving extracted archive to destination dir: library not valid

If you are using the CAN bus, switch to the arduino_esp32_v3.0.1 branch and refer to CAN example.
