Open bettio opened 3 weeks ago
Thanks for the reply, I have 2 more questions: does setBrightness
works same way on both Plus and non Plus?
Furthermore, I tried to translate it to regular esp-idf code, with no success:
#define BOARD_BL_PIN 42
void setBrightness(uint8_t value)
gpio_set_direction(BOARD_BL_PIN, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
static uint8_t level = 0;
static uint8_t steps = 16;
if (value == 0) {
gpio_set_level(BOARD_BL_PIN, 0);
vTaskDelay(3 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
level = 0;
if (level == 0) {
gpio_set_level(BOARD_BL_PIN, 1);
level = steps;
int from = steps - level;
int to = steps - value;
int num = (steps + to - from) % steps;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
gpio_set_level(BOARD_BL_PIN, 0);
gpio_set_level(BOARD_BL_PIN, 1);
level = value;
#define NOP() asm volatile ("nop")
unsigned long IRAM_ATTR micros()
return (unsigned long) (esp_timer_get_time());
void IRAM_ATTR delayMicroseconds(uint32_t us)
uint32_t m = micros();
uint32_t e = (m + us);
if(m > e){ //overflow
while(micros() > e){
while(micros() < e){
am I missing anything? Furthermore can you provide few words about required timings to make this work?
Plus and non-Plus are the same, only the shell and screen are different
I tested it and there was no problem at all
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "freertos/queue.h"
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include "esp_timer.h"
#include <rom/ets_sys.h>
#define BOARD_BL_PIN 42
#define BOARD_POWERON 10
void setBrightness(uint8_t value)
static uint8_t level = 0;
static uint8_t steps = 16;
if (value == 0)
gpio_set_level((gpio_num_t)BOARD_BL_PIN, 0);
level = 0;
if (level == 0)
gpio_set_level((gpio_num_t)BOARD_BL_PIN, 1);
level = steps;
int from = steps - level;
int to = steps - value;
int num = (steps + to - from) % steps;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
gpio_set_level((gpio_num_t)BOARD_BL_PIN, 0);
gpio_set_level((gpio_num_t)BOARD_BL_PIN, 1);
level = value;
void app_main(void)
gpio_config_t config;
memset(&config, 0, sizeof(config));
config.pin_bit_mask = 1ULL << BOARD_POWERON;
config.mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT;
config.pull_up_en = GPIO_PULLUP_DISABLE;
config.pull_down_en = GPIO_PULLDOWN_DISABLE;
config.intr_type = GPIO_INTR_DISABLE;
gpio_set_level((gpio_num_t)BOARD_POWERON, 1);
gpio_config_t bl_pin;
memset(&bl_pin, 0, sizeof(bl_pin));
bl_pin.pin_bit_mask = 1ULL << BOARD_BL_PIN;
bl_pin.mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT;
bl_pin.pull_up_en = GPIO_PULLUP_DISABLE;
bl_pin.pull_down_en = GPIO_PULLDOWN_DISABLE;
bl_pin.intr_type = GPIO_INTR_DISABLE;
uint8_t level = 0;
while (1)
level %= 16;
vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
Now it works, but there is something that I don't understand yet: how gpio 10 is involved here? Also it looks required only for the non plus one.
Display backlight (gpio 42) is working on regular t-deck using LEDC PWM , but same code doesn't work with the Plus model. How backlight can be enabled with esp-idf APIs? Should I use any specific PWM frequency or duty cycle?