Xinyuan-LilyGO / T-Display-S3-Long

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Examples with Platformio not working #11

Closed tuct closed 5 months ago

tuct commented 6 months ago

Hi, it tried to run the examples with Platformio but only the touch and tft examples worked so far... Touch shows the position on serial and tft loops through some pics.

When i try factory, i get a blank screen and nothing on serial.

With lvgl_demo, i sometimes get a scrambled screen and some times one pic but no ui elements.

Should they work with platformio?

Flashing the original firmware works and it works as bevor.

tuct commented 6 months ago

Both examples seem to hang when trying to allocate the buffer, output is: buf NULL buf NULL When enabling logout, in both examples, i saw that the board seems to miss a "0" in the maximum_ram_size , it is only 327680 (300K) not 3276800 (3MB), but raising this did not work as well

tuct commented 6 months ago

"-DBOARD_HAS_PSRAM" with the maximum_ram_size set to 3mb seems to fix it! Please update those two things in the repo! Both examples are now working