Xinyuan-LilyGO / T-Display-S3-Long

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So many issues... #1

Open d3mac123 opened 7 months ago

d3mac123 commented 7 months ago

Hi, just got my S3-Long. I followed all the instructions for the Arduino IDE Quick Start. As the instructions are not that clear,

(step 2) after installing the Arduino ESP32 (is the Arduino_ESP32_OTA the right one?), (steps 3) I unzipped the downloaded file (the entire github from, and I copied it to my Documents\Arduino\libraries folder (step 4) I copied the lib folder to my Documents\Arduino\libraries folder as well - shouldn't this be copied to \Library\Arduino15\libraries (just in case, I did it too) (step 5) Lastly, I configured the Tools as specified.

Issues: (step 6) The T-Display-S3-Long does NOT show in File->Examples->... (step 7) The board does not show in some of my USB ports. However, I made it to work in one port at least (step 8) I manually copied the touch example and uploaded it to the board - the display does not show anything (all black) but I could capture the touch via serial monitor;

No other example worked - I tried Step 9 several times.

Questions are:

ShallowGreen123 commented 7 months ago

Hi, just got my S3-Long. I followed all the instructions for the Arduino IDE Quick Start. As the instructions are not that clear,

(step 2) after installing the Arduino ESP32 (is the Arduino_ESP32_OTA the right one?), (steps 3) I unzipped the downloaded file (the entire github from, and I copied it to my Documents\Arduino\libraries folder (step 4) I copied the lib folder to my Documents\Arduino\libraries folder as well - shouldn't this be copied to \Library\Arduino15\libraries (just in case, I did it too) (step 5) Lastly, I configured the Tools as specified.

Issues: (step 6) The T-Display-S3-Long does NOT show in File->Examples->... (step 7) The board does not show in some of my USB ports. However, I made it to work in one port at least (step 8) I manually copied the touch example and uploaded it to the board - the display does not show anything (all black) but I could capture the touch via serial monitor;

No other example worked - I tried Step 9 several times.

Questions are:

  • What am I missing?
  • Can the board run code using the TFT_eSPI library?

Sorry for the error in the previous Readme, now I have changed the new readme; The right thing to do is:

  1. Download the “S3-Long” project
  2. copy the entire “ S3-Long/lib” folder to the arduion Lib (e.g. C:\Users\YourName\Documents\Arduino\libraries)
  3. open any one with Arduion IDE “S3-Long/examples/XXX XXX. Ino”
  4. Select ESP32S3 Dev Module and port
  5. Click "upload" button to update the code to the board
nikthefix commented 7 months ago

Hi d3mac123,

If you're still having problems then I suggest backtracking a bit and starting with the TFT demo in the Examples folder. Open it directly from the folder. Since this demo does not require anything to be copied to your Arduino Lib folder or use any screen rotation (it's in portrait mode) it should work out-of-the-box as it did for me. At least this will allow you to test the display hardware. You already know that touch is working from your previous experiments.

The other examples took a bit more work for me as I needed to use the latest LVGL version (not the supplied LVGL configuration) and the latest 5.xx IDF Arduino ESP32 iteration. Both have been recently updated and in some cases there are breaking changes which affect example code supplied with new boards. The dust will settle soon I'm sure but it must be difficult for Lilygo and others when the goalposts keep changing. I'll post some code mods here asap. I only got the board yesterday so I'm experimenting too.

d3mac123 commented 7 months ago

Nik, thanks for the help. Yes, I got the examples to work but, as of now, the board is in "waiting mode" :) I have wrote more than 1000 lines of code using the TFT_eSPI library and I cannot transfer the work to the Long version. I have tried the library you made for Volos' AMOLED S3 but it did not work so, until you do your magic, I am not using the Long version.

Thanks again!

nikthefix commented 7 months ago

Hi again. Yes the AMOLED code won't work with the Long as it uses a TFT driver even tho both are set up for QSPI by default. So am I right in thinking that you would want to use the Long in landscape mode with TFT_eSPI? I also received their 2.41" AMOLED T4 this morning. Very nice hardware. It has similar software versioning issues (at least on my computers).

d3mac123 commented 7 months ago

You are right (my project requires landscape mode with the TFT_eSPI).

I have to check yet the T4 but, unfortunately, it doesn't fit the space I have in my panel - the Long fits like a glove).

Alex Souza On Nov 17, 2023 at 11:56 AM -0500, nikthefix @.***>, wrote:

Hi again. Yes the AMOLED code won't work with the Long as it uses a TFT driver even tho both are set up for QSPI by default. So am I right in thinking that you would want to use the Long in landscape mode with TFT_eSPI? I also received their 2.41" AMOLED T4 this morning. Very nice hardware. It has similar software versioning issues (at least on my computers). — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

nikthefix commented 7 months ago

Hi d3mac123,

I will upload some new demo code here in a couple of days. Could you try it and give me some feedback if you get a moment? It's only for the Long in landscape / TFT_eSPI V2.5.34 / Arduino ESP32 V3.0.0-alpha2 as I haven't tested it with other versions. No lvgl. It's stripped right back so is not a drop-in replacement for the supplied libs. I'm just tidying it up a bit right now.

BTW, the issues you were having with 'GPIO output gpio_num error' are due to updates in alpha1/2. TFT_eSPI in sprite only mode does not fall prey to these problems it seems. But Bodmer is sure to release an update soon so who knows what else may change. Hopefully nothing in the Sprite department.


d3mac123 commented 7 months ago

Sure thing. Looking forward to that!

Alex Souza On Nov 29, 2023 at 4:35 AM -0500, nikthefix @.***>, wrote:

Hi d3mac123, I will upload some new demo code here in a couple of days. Could you try it and give me some feedback if you get a moment? It's only for the Long / TFT_eSPI V2.5.34 / Arduino ESP32 V3.0.0-alpha2 as I haven't tested it with other versions. It's stripped right back so is not a drop-in replacement for the supplied libs. I'm just tidying it up a bit right now. nik — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>

nikthefix commented 7 months ago

Hi d3mac123,

Not a demo but a hello world. Maybe a good starting point. I'll pull something a bit more useful asap. No touch in this. But you've got that covered anyway.

Please read the comments in the sketch as there's a lot to talk about.

nikthefix commented 7 months ago

Much of what remains in my driver mod is redundant if you're using TFT_eSPI. I just need to trim it down a bit more. DMA is not used for buffer > display xfer as it was problematic with alpha2 but I'll stick it back in as soon as it works.

The soft rotate yields a performance less than half of what you would get pushing pixels to portrait. Such is life but it's not that bad. As the rotate is buffered the screen draw is fast if called intermittently. Animations will suffer however.

d3mac123 commented 7 months ago

I tried the code with my current setup (Esp32 2.0.14 and TFT_eSPI 2.5.34), and it worked fine (thank you!).

As I am working with the board with the USB port on the left side (using the lcd_setRotation(2);), I will work on the touch part now (as touching the bottom right of the screen is giving me coordinates x=0,y=180, instead of the right ones, which should be x=640,y=180).

Please keep me posted on your improvements. Your work is really appreciated!

nikthefix commented 7 months ago

The greatest optimization in terms of screen refresh will come from identifying which elements of the sprite are updated and only pushing those regions to lcd_PushColors_rotated_90. At present the whole display is refreshed which is grossly inefficient.

This will make all the difference considering that we're already compromised having to use a soft rotate.

There is also a hardware accelerated colour fill (which I will implement) that allows a mega fast clear screen along with various test patterns. The datasheet is actually very interesting.

All the best.


d3mac123 commented 7 months ago

@nikthefix I have noticed a glitch in the top right side of the display (see pictures). Basically, some lines that are not in the code have been drawn over the green circle. I saw it also with different code (that area is always "glitching some lines").

Something for you to double-check?

nikthefix commented 7 months ago

It sounds like the rotate buffer is overflowing. Increase

uint16_t qBuffer = (uint16_t) heap_caps_malloc(203400, MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM ); //psram buffer for matrix rotation (640 180 2)

from 203400 to 230400 as this is the exact size of the TFT_eSPI sprite buffer.

I will try to reproduce the glitch.

nikthefix commented 7 months ago

Hi again. It turns out it was a typo. 203400 should have been 230400 (600 x 180 x 2). I accidentally switched the 3 and 0. My bad.

nikthefix commented 7 months ago

Updated AXS15231B.cpp line 6:

d3mac123 commented 7 months ago

It works fine! Thanks!

d3mac123 commented 6 months ago

@nikthefix (please let me know if you prefer to start a new thread elsewhere). I have noticed that when using the WifiManager library, my board keeps restarting the setup function. Everything works fine in the regular T-Display board but not with the Long. Any ideas?

nikthefix commented 6 months ago

@d3mac123 Someone else mentioned this in regards to a different board (RGB parallel display) and I also noticed it with the new T4-Amoled. I'll look into it.

Perhaps try integrating the WifiManager into one of Volos demos for the T-Display-Amoled. If it works then we can rule out any compatibility issues with WifiManager / PSRAM / QSPI display / DMA / Arduino ESP32 version.

Also, maybe try wifi provisioning before you run the display init code or assign display buffers. If in doubt isolate.

I'll migrate all these bits and bobs and some new things to my github. I'll let you know when there's something to see then we can talk there.

d3mac123 commented 6 months ago

I will keep checking here (unfortunately, I do not have any Amoled boards to test). I have tried already (same results) calling line axs15231_init(); before and after doing the wifi provisioning.

nikthefix commented 6 months ago


Hello again.

How's it going with the Long? I've been working with Volos on a new touch demo for the Long and I think he will publish a video and code in the next day or so. Watch his space. I think it will be good. ....Although you've probably taken things a lot further with your own work already.

I've also added fast partial updates for LVGL projects - compatible with alpha 3 and below. I'm just integrating those changes to work with TFT_eSPI so we can have fast animations there too. I will post on my github and here.

All the best,


momosh13 commented 6 months ago

Hi. Please tell me how to setup lvgl? I'm having lot's of problems compiling the factory.ino file for T-Display-S3-Long. Please help

nikthefix commented 6 months ago

Hi momosh13,

Try the attached sketch and see if it works. The buttons do nothing at the moment.

Use a fresh LVGL with mods to lv_config as described in the sketch. If it works OK then maybe transfer the mods and libs to the lilygo factory example as substitutes.

momosh13 commented 6 months ago

Thank you for the reply. the lvgl is 8.3.0 yes?

nikthefix commented 6 months ago

8.3.11 for my tests. But it's important NOT to use the lilygo supplied libs as they have been modified and will not work with my code. It's not their fault. The Arduino_ESP32 core updated recently and there were many breaking changes.

If you're using alpha3 then you'll need a workaround for PWM to control back-light brightness as this is not working at present but you can do it manually with a timer.

In my demo the backlight is just set to fully on.

d3mac123 commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the updates @nikthefix . Project is on hold waiting for the touch example but also due to the network issues I mentioned in another post (board keeps resetting while using the Wi-Fi Manager library).

I'm looking forward for Volo's example!

nikthefix commented 6 months ago

Yeah that's definitely not your fault. The wifi manager is not working for me either. Trying to find a work around.

Further updates may be found here:

But I'll stick them here too for the time being.

I'll make the TFt_eSPI repo public as soon as Volos releases his video - just in case he wants to change some stuff at the last moment.

Is everything else working? GUI, touch etc? The touch 'double tap' problem you reported should be solved in the upcoming Volos code. Let me know. It should be as we worked hard to get touch working in alpha1/2/3

The pictures you sent of your interface looked really good.


d3mac123 commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the words (and everything else you are doing!). I am already following your repository.

I am converting a repeater (via UDP) from an airplane engine monitor and attitude indicator (plus the checklist part) app that I built with the original T-Display S3 to the Long version. I am looking forward to seeing the larger display working.

IMG_5309 Large IMG_5308 Large

nikthefix commented 6 months ago

Looks great! Watch this space.


momosh13 commented 6 months ago

8.3.11 for my tests. But it's important NOT to use the lilygo supplied libs as they have been modified and will not work with my code. It's not their fault. The Arduino_ESP32 core updated recently and there were many breaking changes.

If you're using alpha3 then you'll need a workaround for PWM to control back-light brightness as this is not working at present but you can do it manually with a timer.

In my demo the backlight is just set to fully on.

Thank you for your help, finally your sketch working good on T-Display-S3-Long, but the factory sketch not working, I have this error : "text section exceeds available space in board" when Partition Scheme on Default 4MB. When I'm changing the Partition Scheme to 16M Flash / FATFS, NO more error but the screen stays black, no image, Please help me to fix this.

momosh13 commented 6 months ago

The screen showing this


momosh13 commented 6 months ago

yours, thank you


momosh13 commented 6 months ago

This is my settings


nikthefix commented 6 months ago


The factory demo needs the supplied lilygo modified libs. Unfortunately these mods don't seem to be working with any of the esp-arduino cores that I've tried (2.5 to alpha3).

I've started reworking the demo to use alpha3 and standard lvgl. You can try what I've done so far. The wifi stuff is commented out so the clock won't flip yet as there's no ntp time reference.

define LV_USE_MSG 1 in lv_conf.h line 706 in addition to the other lv_config changes you made before.

momosh13 commented 6 months ago

Thank you. but I still getting this:

Sketch uses 1312829 bytes (100%) of program storage space. Maximum is 1310720 bytes. Global variables use 111068 bytes (33%) of dynamic memory, leaving 216612 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 327680 bytes. Sketch too big; see for tips on reducing it. text section exceeds available space in board

Compilation error: text section exceeds available space in board

nikthefix commented 6 months ago

Check flash size and partition setting in build options. Should be: 16MB and 16M flash (3M APP/9.9MBB FAT FS)

You should see:

Sketch uses 1482237 bytes (47%) of program storage space. Maximum is 3145728 bytes. Global variables use 58096 bytes (17%) of dynamic memory, leaving 269584 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 327680 bytes.

momosh13 commented 6 months ago

yes, you're right, now is (41%) of program storage space, but now I'm back to the original problem, as soon as I'm choosing Partition Scheme 16M flash (3M APP/9.9MBB FAT FS) the screen gouse black, no picture

nikthefix commented 6 months ago

Check psram is set to OPI. Check lv_conf.h has all settings described in the comments of the odometer sketch. Check that XPowersLib is in your libraries folder. Install latest version if it's old. Check that you have ESP32 3.0.0 alpha3 installed.

nikthefix commented 6 months ago

@d3mac123 @momosh13

I'll put future updates at

Raise further issues there if that's OK with you.

Volos will publish his new video today at 12 noon UK time. I will make those files public at that time. I didn't want to release anything before his video went out.

momosh13 commented 6 months ago

Please, fix the factory file, I really like that clock, Volos says you are a genius, only you can do it.

nikthefix commented 6 months ago

@momosh13 I really like that clock too! I will work on it today.

With the zip I posted, did you get the initial 00:00:00 clock appear even if it didn't flip?

momosh13 commented 6 months ago

no, no lock with ESP32 3.0.0

nikthefix commented 6 months ago

OK well we just need to compare your setup with mine. Could you get the odometer demo running again just to double check that nothing else has changed.

For the flip clock:

ESP32 3.0.0 alpha3 via board manager. (

LVGL 8.3.11 via library manager.

XpowersLib 0.2.1 via library manager.

Remove anything you might have installed from the original supplied lilygo support files. Reconfigure the build options in Arduino IDE as the alpha3 update will reset them:

Board ESP32-S3-Dev USB CDC On boot Enabled Flash Size 16MB Partition Scheme 16M Flash(3MB APP/9.9MB FATFS) PSRAM "OPI PSRAM"

Check lv_conf.h options:

Line 15 - #if 1 (Set it to "1" to enable content) Line 30 - #define LV_COLOR_16_SWAP 1 Line 49 - #define LV_MEM_CUSTOM 1 Line 88 - #define LV_TICK_CUSTOM 1 Lines 354 to 384 - enable fonts Line 706 - #define LV_USE_MSG 1

I have the clock factory demo working now with the above setup (zip attached). Set your SSID and PASSWORD in the sketch at lines 22 and 23. Set your timezone offset in pins.h

I've not tested the power manager yet and the wifi-auto-config is disabled at the moment. But the clock flips and tells time - at least it does here! :)

Let me know if it works for you.

momosh13 commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your help. Only odometer works perfectly here, with 16M Flash(3MB APP/9.9MB FATFS) or 4MB, the flip_clock_long and the factory not working, when Partition Scheme is 4MB says file is too large, when Partition Scheme is 16M or 32M screen goes Black. Maybe my computer(MAC) is the problem?, I'm going to transfer everything to my windows computer and let you know Sorry

nikthefix commented 6 months ago

Also, see if there's anything here which might help.

momosh13 commented 5 months ago

Hi First, Happy New Year !!! Please, see the attached video, I able to get here by making this two changes, to Oreginal code,

  1. define SPI_FREQUENCY 32000000 to #define SPI_FREQUENCY 10000000

  2. commenting out this //disp_drv.full_refresh = 1; // full_refresh must be 1 it doesn't showing the numbers and little destortions around the push buttons, Please, let me know, if you had a progress with this clock. Thank you

nikthefix commented 5 months ago

Happy New Year to you too!

Glad you got it working.

Yes the 32MHz is too fast for this display when you are not using disp_drv.full_refresh. 10MHz is what I use.

As for the distortion, this is caused by the display only accepting 'even' partial update regions. You will see corruption if you update a sub-region of odd numbered width or height. If you look at my odometer demo and find the callback 'my_rounder', this is a routine which quantizes regions to the nearest even numbers and should solve the problem in LVGL with the Long. This is only an issue if full refresh is off - but full refresh is slow.

Just import the callback to your original factory demo and add:

disp_drv.rounder_cb = my_rounder; to the driver setup parameters.

My updated version of the flip clock demo has this implemented already.

nikthefix commented 5 months ago

BTW, my updated version of the flip clock demo is at my github: nikthefix

momosh13 commented 5 months ago

Thank you nikthefix !!! You're genius. The flip_clock working on my display, perfectly.

nikthefix commented 5 months ago

Nice one! Thanks for letting me know.


momosh13 commented 5 months ago

Hi. I have one more question about the clock, now, it's a 24Hours clock, there is any way you make 12House clock option? Thank you