Xinyuan-LilyGO / T-Display-S3-Long

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2-sync fail #2

Closed d3mac123 closed 6 months ago

d3mac123 commented 7 months ago

As my board still not working (see my other issue reporting above), I followed the suggestion to burn the binary file. I did all the steps but I am getting the following message: 2-sync fail Tips: Please refer to the chip datasheet and confirm that strapping pin's status is correct.

Any ideas? Board can upload code but display is black and green LED keeps blinking :(

ShallowGreen123 commented 7 months ago

Hello, you can try the following way to burn bin file:

  1. Download flash downl tool;
  2. Plug in the S3-Long board, open the flash download tool“”, select the following image: image
  3. Select bin file;select serial port;and click “START”to download. image
  4. Just wait for the download to finish.