Xinyuan-LilyGO / T-Display-S3-Long

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Unable to turn of the power state LED #37

Open roderik-maker opened 3 weeks ago

roderik-maker commented 3 weeks ago

I have succesfuly compiled and uploaded the SY6970 example (and added the PMU.disableStatLed(); line to setup) but the green LED continues to flash, am I doing something wrong, or have I run into a bug?

The S3 Long is a great module but the bright flashing green led makes it un-usable for my use case. Worst case, can I just snap the led of the board?

Thank you in advance!

Ps. here is the "SY6970_Example.ino" file I am building

 * @file      SY6970_Example.ino
 * @author    Lewis He (
 * @license   MIT
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023  Shenzhen Xin Yuan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
 * @date      2023-08-05
#include <XPowersLib.h>

PowersSY6970 PMU;

#define CONFIG_PMU_SDA 0

#define CONFIG_PMU_SCL 1

#define CONFIG_PMU_IRQ 28

const uint8_t i2c_sda = CONFIG_PMU_SDA;
const uint8_t i2c_scl = CONFIG_PMU_SCL;
const uint8_t pmu_irq_pin = CONFIG_PMU_IRQ;
uint32_t cycleInterval;

void setup()
    while (!Serial);

    bool result =  PMU.init(Wire, i2c_sda, i2c_scl, SY6970_SLAVE_ADDRESS);

    if (result == false) {
        while (1) {
            Serial.println("PMU is not online...");

    // Set the charging target voltage, Range:3840 ~ 4608mV ,step:16 mV

    // Set the precharge current , Range: 64mA ~ 1024mA ,step:64mA

    // Set the charging current , Range:0~5056mA ,step:64mA

    // To obtain voltage data, the ADC must be enabled first


    // The OTG function needs to enable OTG, and set the OTG control pin to HIGH
    // After OTG is enabled, if an external power supply is plugged in, OTG will be turned off

    // PMU.enableOTG();
    // PMU.disableOTG();
    // pinMode(OTG_ENABLE_PIN, OUTPUT);
    // digitalWrite(OTG_ENABLE_PIN, HIGH);

void loop()

    // SY6970 When VBUS is input, the battery voltage detection will not take effect
    if (millis() > cycleInterval) {

        Serial.println("Sats        VBUS    VBAT   SYS    VbusStatus      String   ChargeStatus     String      TargetVoltage       ChargeCurrent       Precharge       NTCStatus           String");
        Serial.println("            (mV)    (mV)   (mV)   (HEX)                         (HEX)                    (mV)                 (mA)                   (mA)           (HEX)           ");
        Serial.print(PMU.isVbusIn() ? "Connected" : "Disconnect"); Serial.print("\t");
        Serial.print(PMU.getVbusVoltage()); Serial.print("\t");
        Serial.print(PMU.getBattVoltage()); Serial.print("\t");
        Serial.print(PMU.getSystemVoltage()); Serial.print("\t");
        Serial.print(PMU.getBusStatus(), HEX); Serial.print("\t");
        Serial.print(PMU.getBusStatusString()); Serial.print("\t");
        Serial.print(PMU.chargeStatus(), HEX); Serial.print("\t");
        Serial.print(PMU.getChargeStatusString()); Serial.print("\t");

        Serial.print(PMU.getChargeTargetVoltage()); Serial.print("\t");
        Serial.print(PMU.getChargerConstantCurr()); Serial.print("\t");
        Serial.print(PMU.getPrechargeCurr()); Serial.print("\t");
        Serial.print(PMU.getNTCStatus()); Serial.print("\t");
        Serial.print(PMU.getNTCStatusString()); Serial.print("\t");

        cycleInterval = millis() + 1000;

Llgok commented 3 weeks ago

@roderik-maker This LED light is the charging indicator for the SY6970. It will not light up when used solely with a battery. When the battery is not connected and the device is powered by USB, the green LED will flash. During charging, the green LED will stay on continuously. You can disable this LED function in the SY6970's registers.