Xinyuan-LilyGO / T-Display-S3

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Lilygo S3 won't upload known working sketch...on CPU that programs many of these. #115

Closed chrisedgedotcom closed 1 year ago

chrisedgedotcom commented 1 year ago

INO, Cable, USB port, etc. all the same as usual. I program lots of these with the same code.

When it finally says connecting, the screen does NOT go blank, it reloads the demo sketch and never takes the code. Here is the error I am getting.

Connecting....Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 34, in File "", line 1004, in _main File "", line 646, in main File "esptool\", line 895, in get_default_connected_device File "esptool\", line 631, in connect File "esptool\", line 572, in _connect_attempt File "esptool\", line 435, in sync File "esptool\", line 365, in command File "esptool\", line 317, in write File "serial\", line 325, in write serial.serialutil.SerialTimeoutException: Write timeout [16916] Failed to execute script 'esptool' due to unhandled exception! An error occurred while uploading the sketch

I am on the right port, and it shows that it's there. I only see ONE button, the RST one, and not sure how to get it into a loading mode. (I saw people mention another button...I don't see one on the S3)

Let me know if it's defective or?

svdrummer commented 1 year ago

that all reads like an esptool issue. They have had an issue with the latest arduino esp32 upgrade. It was -re-released two days later. Esptool had to be upgraded. I am not seeing anythin chip related there

chrisedgedotcom commented 1 year ago

I have programmed about 10 S3's today. This is the only one that is not taking the same code as the other 10!

teastainGit commented 1 year ago

D) In the Port Selection, if the USB flickers on and off and you cannot upload, you may have to manually enter "Upload Mode". This can be caused by a faulty sketch that is running at high speed with no delay at the end of the loop, or working with Dual Cores. To enter Upload Mode: press Boot and hold, press reset and release, then release Boot and go it into "Upload Mode"

The Boot button is above or to the left of the USB, “GPIO 0”.

From my LilyGO T-Display S3 setup and example repository here:

Hope this helps, Terry

chrisedgedotcom commented 1 year ago

That actually let it upload but nothing on display now. I will try that again, and see if doing it again makes it stick.

chrisedgedotcom commented 1 year ago

That worked! Thank you to everyone.