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The JST-SH 1.0mm could not be I2C? #127

Closed hengying closed 1 year ago

hengying commented 1 year ago

I try to use the STEMMA QT / Qwiic JST-SH 1.0mm 4-PIN (G 3V 43 44) on an I2C device, but it seems not work. I changed to GPIO1 and GPIO2, it worked. According to the ESP32S3's datasheet, it seems 43 and 44 could be used on I2C.


I wonder could GPIO43 and GPIO44 be used on I2C?

What's the usage of the JST 1.0 port?

teastainGit commented 1 year ago

The JST-SH 1.0mm 4-PIN (G 3V 43 44) is SDA 43, SCL 44: Wire.begin(43, 44); //SDA, SCL Here is an image that I updated: I use the 4 pin with I2C, no problem. What device are you connecting to?

hengying commented 1 year ago

Thank you @teastainGit . I tring to connect to a MLX90640BAB, I2C can not found the device when I connect it at JST 1.0mm.