Xinyuan-LilyGO / T-Display-S3

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None of my Qwiic (I2C) sensors is recognized #181

Closed d3mac123 closed 10 months ago

d3mac123 commented 10 months ago

Hi, I am trying to connect 2 Sparkfun sensors (temperature and Lidar) without success (they run fine on an Arduino Nano). No errors besides the "Cannot connect to ". Any ideas? I tried in 2 different S3 boards.

`/** Example1_Basic_Temperature_Readings.ino Example for the TMP102 I2C Temperature Sensor Alex Wende @ SparkFun Electronics April 29th 2016 ~

This sketch configures the TMP102 temperature sensor and prints the temperature and alert state (both from the physical pin, as well as by reading from the configuration register.

Resources: Wire.h (included with Arduino IDE) SparkFunTMP102.h

Development environment specifics: Arduino 1.0+

This code is beerware; if you see me (or any other SparkFun employee) at the local, and you've found our code helpful, please buy us a round!

Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.

// Include the SparkFun TMP102 library. // Click here to get the library: http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_TMP102

include // Used to establied serial communication on the I2C bus

include // Used to send and recieve specific information from our sensor

// Connections // VCC = 3.3V // GND = GND // SDA = A4 // SCL = A5 const int ALERT_PIN = A3;

TMP102 sensor0; // Sensor address can be changed with an external jumper to: // ADD0 - Address // VCC - 0x49 // SDA - 0x4A // SCL - 0x4B

void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Wire.begin(); //Join I2C Bus

pinMode(ALERT_PIN,INPUT); // Declare alertPin as an input

/* The TMP102 uses the default settings with the address 0x48 using Wire.

 Optionally, if the address jumpers are modified, or using a different I2C bus,
 these parameters can be changed here. E.g. sensor0.begin(0x49,Wire1)

 It will return true on success or false on failure to communicate. */

if(!sensor0.begin()) { Serial.println("Cannot connect to TMP102."); Serial.println("Is the board connected? Is the device ID correct?"); while(1); }

Serial.println("Connected to TMP102!"); delay(100);

// Initialize sensor0 settings // These settings are saved in the sensor, even if it loses power

// set the number of consecutive faults before triggering alarm. // 0-3: 0:1 fault, 1:2 faults, 2:4 faults, 3:6 faults. sensor0.setFault(0); // Trigger alarm immediately

// set the polarity of the Alarm. (0:Active LOW, 1:Active HIGH). sensor0.setAlertPolarity(1); // Active HIGH

// set the sensor in Comparator Mode (0) or Interrupt Mode (1). sensor0.setAlertMode(0); // Comparator Mode.

// set the Conversion Rate (how quickly the sensor gets a new reading) //0-3: 0:0.25Hz, 1:1Hz, 2:4Hz, 3:8Hz sensor0.setConversionRate(2);

//set Extended Mode. //0:12-bit Temperature(-55C to +128C) 1:13-bit Temperature(-55C to +150C) sensor0.setExtendedMode(0);

//set T_HIGH, the upper limit to trigger the alert on sensor0.setHighTempF(85.0); // set T_HIGH in F //sensor0.setHighTempC(29.4); // set T_HIGH in C

//set T_LOW, the lower limit to shut turn off the alert sensor0.setLowTempF(84.0); // set T_LOW in F //sensor0.setLowTempC(26.67); // set T_LOW in C }

void loop() { float temperature; boolean alertPinState, alertRegisterState;

// Turn sensor on to start temperature measurement. // Current consumtion typically ~10uA. sensor0.wakeup();

// read temperature data temperature = sensor0.readTempF(); //temperature = sensor0.readTempC();

// Check for Alert alertPinState = digitalRead(ALERT_PIN); // read the Alert from pin alertRegisterState = sensor0.alert(); // read the Alert from register

// Place sensor in sleep mode to save power. // Current consumtion typically <0.5uA. sensor0.sleep();

// Print temperature and alarm state Serial.print("Temperature: "); Serial.print(temperature);

Serial.print("\tAlert Pin: "); Serial.print(alertPinState);

Serial.print("\tAlert Register: "); Serial.println(alertRegisterState);

delay(1000); // Wait 1000ms }`

teastainGit commented 10 months ago

The old Arduinos had their pins fixed by the "Board Type", but ESP32s have various different and user optional I2C pins, so the original sketch needs pin info for ESP32S3 Dev Module. If you are using the I2C socket at the bottom of the board the Wire.begin(); needs SDA = 43 and SCL = 44: Wire.begin(43,44); -Terry

d3mac123 commented 10 months ago

Not using the sockets but the Qwiic/JST connector (which used to work before). I even thought I had broken the connector because, suddenly, the code could not connect with the sensors anymore. I got another board and used the basic sample (just to guarantee my code was not messing up with anything) but no success.

teastainGit commented 10 months ago

I did mean the JST connector on the bottom of the board. Your example showed an empty Wire.begin(); It needs to specify the correct pins. You say "anymore" did you mean that the TMP102 used to work on your LilyGO T-Display S3 ?

d3mac123 commented 10 months ago

Yes, both sensors (with this basic code) used to work before in the S3.

teastainGit commented 10 months ago

So, sorry for The Twenty Questions! Are you using Arduino IDE 2.x and the latest board definition? Also LilyGO is very bad for "up-dating" their GitHub repository but actually making deprecations that make older, tested code not work until you sync up your GitHub download with the latest LilyGO T-Display S3 GitHub repository . But back to basics, can you run a simple empty sketch to test the serial print, which I feel is a good trouble shooting aid! I made a LilyGO T-Display S3 support GitHub if you are interested, here:


teastainGit commented 10 months ago

I hooked up a TMP102 to my LilyGO T-Display S3 and it works fine with your code. Make of that what you will. -Terry

d3mac123 commented 10 months ago

First of all, thank you very much for trying to help. I think something has changed in my board settings because, as I said before, the sample code used to work fine and now it is not (also, I haven't updated any libraries so, I don't think the issue is related to a bad code). Yes, I am using Arduino IDE 2.x. (sorry for such dumb question) What do you mean by latest board definition?

teastainGit commented 10 months ago
Screenshot 2023-08-09 at 11 44 21 AM

2nd one down is the latest ESP32 board definition, and the one I used for my test yesterday. Can you try using pins 1, 2 as i2c? This is the stripped down code that I ran yesterday, but using pins 1,2, for my convenience. (I don't have a QWiiC TMP102 !!!)almost any pins will do if you specify them in Wire.begin.

#include <Wire.h>            // Used to establied serial communication on the I2C bus
#include <SparkFunTMP102.h>  // Used to send and recieve specific information from our sensor
TMP102 sensor0;
void setup() {
  Wire.begin(1, 2);  //Join I2C Bus
  if (!sensor0.begin()) {
    Serial.println("Cannot connect to TMP102.");
    Serial.println("Is the board connected? Is the device ID correct?");
    while (1)
  Serial.println("Connected to TMP102!");
  sensor0.setFault(0);      // Trigger alarm immediately
  sensor0.setAlertMode(0);  // Comparator Mode.
  sensor0.setHighTempF(85.0);  // set T_HIGH in F
  sensor0.setLowTempF(84.0);   // set T_LOW in F

void loop() {
  float temperature;
  temperature = sensor0.readTempF();
  Serial.print("Temperature: ");
  delay(1000);  // Wait 1000ms
d3mac123 commented 10 months ago

that's the version I have installed (2.0.11) 🙁

teastainGit commented 10 months ago

Did you try with Wire.begin(43,44); Also will you try wiring them to pins 1, 2 as a test? Pins 17, 18 (SDA, SCL) are also UART and work for me. (just tried it right now) You need to set Wire.begin(SDA, SCL); though. [EDIT] I broke down and wired it up to the JST Connector, no problem here either with Wire.begin(43,44);

d3mac123 commented 10 months ago

Not sure what the (43,44) mean (sorry, I am just a UX designer playing with the esp32) but it DID THE TRICK! All working now. Thank you so much @teastainGit

teastainGit commented 10 months ago

You are very welcome, my pleasure! Wire.begin(43,44); means that you are manually specifying the two comm pins for I2c. The JST Connector pins are SDA43, SCL44.