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I2C & ADS1115...which Pins/code?? #182

Closed 369Martin369 closed 10 months ago

369Martin369 commented 10 months ago

I failed so far to connect the external ADC via I2C interface to my S3 (no touch) . Tried to use Pins 43/44 and 17/18... but It does not find any I2C....

my code:

... ADS1115_lite ads(ADS1115_ADDRESS_ADDR_SDA); // 0x4A (my Addr pin is connected to SDA for this 0x4A address) pinMode(17,INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(18,INPUT_PULLUP); Wire.begin(17, 18); //SDA, SCL ...

if I measure with the oszillocope on 17/18 I dont see any signal than high.

What am I doing wrong??

369Martin369 commented 10 months ago explains it all