Xinyuan-LilyGO / T-Display-S3

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Upload yiedling errors when using upload_protocol = esp-builtin #234

Closed dirk2947 closed 3 months ago

dirk2947 commented 3 months ago

Hello there,

I'm not very knowledgeable regarding Microcontrollers so this issue isn't very in depth. To tinker with my S3 without Touchscreen I followed the recommended guide. Building of various demos works, uploading fails using the following default config: platformio.ini upload_protocol = esp-builtin

The error is as follows:

embedded:startup.tcl:26: Error: Can't find target/esp32s3-builtin.cfg
in procedure 'script'
at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 26
*** [upload] Error 1
=========================================================================== [FAILED] Took 14.38 seconds ===========================================================================

Environment      Status    Duration
---------------  --------  ------------
Arduino_GFXDemo  FAILED    00:00:14.382
====================================================================== 1 failed, 0 succeeded in 00:00:14.382 ======================================================================

using the standard: upload_protocol = esptool works fine, took me a while to figure out though.

lewisxhe commented 3 months ago

The default has been changed to esptool, thank you