Xinyuan-LilyGO / T-Display-S3

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libs and platformio #242

Closed jaymedavis closed 2 months ago

jaymedavis commented 2 months ago

is there a reason we have to copy around the "libs" folder to our projects?

in platformio, you can do like :

lib_deps = bodmer/TFT_eSPI @ ^2.5.43

do you know the version #'s of the libs in this projects lib folder? why can't we just define it like this instead of copying around those binaries to our own projects?

teastainGit commented 2 months ago

Bodmer's TFT_eSPI and LVGL need separate definition setups. With TFT_eSPI you can use the standard, latest TFT_eSPI library freely from Arduino IDE or the GitHub repository... you edit the 'User_Setup_Select.h' setup file to use settings for the unique 8bit parallel interface. I keep an edited copy in my Arduino IDE sketch folder and copy/overwrite the one in libraries/TFT_eSPI. You can edit the existing User_Setup_Select.h but it is a bit tedious. Comment-out this line: //#include // Default setup is root library folder

and un-comment this one:

include <User_Setups/Setup206_LilyGo_T_Display_S3.h> // For the LilyGo T-Display S3 based ESP32S3 with ST7789 170 x 320 TFT

The 'copy the libs' folder is more straightforward for new users.

jaymedavis commented 2 months ago

Thanks so much for your comment.

I suppose I will keep a copy of User_Setup_Select.h for TFT_eSPI and overwrite it in my .pio/libdeps folder (possibly via script if I can figure it out).

I assume you also had to do the same process for lv_conf.h for LVGL?

Are all the other libraries out of the box?

teastainGit commented 2 months ago

I mostly use TFT_eSPI ! I use LVGL sometimes but take the lazy route and copy/overwrite. There was a drama between LilyGO and Bodmer last year because they had to fork his library, but not re-name it. They worked with Bodmer to get the standard library to work with the 8bit parallel driver, settling on a device specific setup file. The newer, much more expensive LilyGO T-Display S3 'AMOLED' version works straight out of the box, so, there's that!

08822407d commented 2 months ago

Thanks so much for your comment.

I suppose I will keep a copy of User_Setup_Select.h for TFT_eSPI and overwrite it in my .pio/libdeps folder (possibly via script if I can figure it out).

I assume you also had to do the same process for lv_conf.h for LVGL?

Are all the other libraries out of the box?

TFT_eSPI's doc describe a way to assign configure for specific board if you work with platformio, by adding build_flags = -D USER_SETUP_LOADED=1 -include $PROJECT_LIBDEPS_DIR/$PIOENV/TFT_eSPI/User_Setups/Setup206_LilyGo_T_Display_S3.h to .ini

jaymedavis commented 2 months ago

so this worked, thanks so much @08822407d. The only thing im noticing on my project that changed, was the screen seems to flash 4 times off/on, before finally initializing. leaves a pretty rough customer experience at the beginning.

any idea what might be going on here?

jaymedavis commented 2 months ago

disregard - the flashing was a problem with my code. Thank you both so much again!