Xinyuan-LilyGO / T-Display-S3

MIT License
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Poor WiFi function #67

Closed teastainGit closed 1 year ago

teastainGit commented 1 year ago

I do a lot with ESP_NOW and found my two T-Displays S3s to have very poor RF performance, compared to M5Stack units. I am also seeing unanswered complaints over on the LilyGO community about poor WiFi. Someone even added an external antenna with no improvement. A) Is there some guidance, advice for us to use WiFi? B) Is there a driver or demo sketch available to help test? -Cheers, Terry

mmMicky commented 1 year ago

The RF signal is also modulated, maybe the gain of the onboard antenna is relatively weak. It is expected that the antenna scheme will be changed in the next version.

8OND007 commented 6 months ago

Wifi signal is indeed very poor. LilyGO T-Display S3 located next to the Wifi Access point : only 1 or 2 blocks signal in ESPHOME. Ping times of serveral 200ms or more. Really dissapointed in this board+case.