Xinyuan-LilyGO / T-Display-S3

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lv_demos LV_LOG_INDEV warning position y = 170 not valid (presumably 0-169) #78

Closed tyeth closed 1 year ago

tyeth commented 1 year ago

Not sure if I set the resolution wrong, or if there's a little fix needed, but loading the lv_demos with my graph modification and then touching the bottom of screen(top?) gives a continuous warning in the serial console that the touchpoint is out of bounds. This continues until another area of the screen is touched.

[Warn] (762.506, +504117) indev_pointer_proc: Y is 170 which is greater than ver. res (in lv_indev.c line #368)

mmMicky commented 1 year ago

Maybe the X,Y directions are swapped.

tyeth commented 1 year ago

Wouldn't it then be the case that any value above zero would cause the error?

mmMicky commented 1 year ago

I recommend polling to read touch sensor information. If interrupts are used, an additional layer of judgment is required. Determines the number of fingers read after an acquisition interrupt. If it is greater than 0, it is valid, otherwise it is invalid.

Jason2866 commented 1 year ago

If you want to use LVGL you may have a look at Tasmota it is fully supported.

lewisxhe commented 1 year ago

If you still have problems, please restart