Xinyuan-LilyGO / T-Display-S3

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problems using SD card reader (SPI) with the touch version #81

Closed Hans0lo closed 1 year ago

Hans0lo commented 1 year ago

Hi, I try to connect a SD reader via SPI to the T-Display-S3 touch version - sadly without success. From reading other comments/websites it seems I can freely define the pins for a secondary (HSPI) SPI bus. This is what I tried:

#include "FS.h"
#include "SD.h"
#include "SPI.h"

SPIClass spiSD(HSPI);
#define SDSPEED 27000000

//  SPI port #2:  SD Card Adapter
#define SD_CLK 21 //yellow
#define SD_MISO 18 //brown
#define SD_MOSI 17 //orange
#define SD_CS 16 //green

in setup I have:



  if (!SD.begin(SD_CS, spiSD, SDSPEED)) {
    Serial.println("Card Mount Failed!");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Card Mount Successful!");

but all I get is "Card Mount failed" - I have multiple reader modules, but I get the same result with all of them, so i assume the issue is with my setup/pins/code...

any help would be highly appreciated - thanks in advance :)

mmMicky commented 1 year ago

First, you need to ensure that the file system format of your SD card is FAT32. Secondly, in addition to the SPI communication method. There is also a SD_MMC 1bit method. This method only needs to use 3 data lines and has a huge improvement in timing. The method of use is as follows SD_MMC.setPin(x,x,x); SD_MMC.begin("/sdcard",true,true);

Hans0lo commented 1 year ago

Hi @mmMicky & thanks for your help.

my file system already was FAT32, so this was not the issue.

And while I may look into the MMC 1-bit method, I still would like to get the SPI mode working as (for other projects) I also want to use other SPI peripherals with this T-Display-S3 board, not only SD card...

I therefore rephrase my questions:

  1. can I use a second (HSPI) bus with this display?

  2. If yes, can I use this port setup?

define SD_CLK 21 //yellow

define SD_MISO 18 //brown

define SD_MOSI 17 //orange

define SD_CS 16 //green

  1. is there any code example for using a second SPI bus with this board?

thnx a lot for your help!

Hans0lo commented 1 year ago

I found the solution on my own with some help of Google. In the end I only had to add one more line of code to make it work (switching the CS Pin to output...):


so the complete code-part looks like this:

void setup() {



  if (!SD.begin(SD_CS, spiSD, SDSPEED)) {
    Serial.println("Card Mount Failed!");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Card Mount Successful!");
mmMicky commented 1 year ago

Congrats on finding the right solution and sharing it. This is also required when using SD_MMC. pinMode(cs, output); digitalWrite(cs, 1);