Xinyuan-LilyGO / T-Echo

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bootloader question #9

Closed mkinney closed 2 years ago

mkinney commented 2 years ago

Thank you for providing the .hex file for the bootloader.

Can I create a uf2 using a tool like and have it work okay on the T-Echo?

I ran this command:

% python3 lilygo_techo_bootloader-0.6.1_s140_6.1.1.hex --convert --output techo.uf2
Converting to uf2, output size: 377856, start address: 0x0
Wrote 377856 bytes to techo.uf2

Ok to drop that uf2 file on to the device?

mkinney commented 2 years ago

I tried copying that techo.uf2 file and it just copied the file to the device. So, no, it will not work.

Where can I get the uf2 bootloader that was used on my units?

Can the bootloader be added as a release to this repo? (even if the release was created manually and the files dragged/dropped onto the release)

contents of: INFO_UF2.TXT
UF2 Bootloader 0.6.1-2-g1224915 lib/nrfx (v2.0.0) lib/tinyusb (0.10.1-293-gaf8e5a90) lib/uf2 (remotes/origin/configupdate-9-gadbb8c7)
Model: LilyGo T-Echo
Board-ID: nRF52840-TEcho-v1
SoftDevice: S140 version 6.1.1
Date: Oct 13 2021
LilyGO commented 2 years ago

Hello, you need to double click the reset button. UF2 file drag to BOOT:

mkinney commented 2 years ago

I understand that is how you update firmware. I'm asking about the location of the bootloader.

Where is the source/download for the bootloader?

LilyGO commented 2 years ago


mkinney commented 2 years ago

Thanks. Closing issue.