Open Pasan1021 opened 3 months ago
AT+CMQTTCONNECT: 0,34 open SSL session failed refer to In my case and your case its firmware and that it has deprecated Cyphers.
AT+CMQTTCONNECT: 0,34 open SSL session failed refer to In my case and your case its firmware and that it has deprecated Cyphers.
Thank you for the reply. Do you have a supported firmware?
AT+CMQTTCONNECT: 0,34 open SSL session failed refer to In my case and your case its firmware and that it has deprecated Cypher's.
Thank you for the reply. Do you have a supported firmware?
There is none available that I am aware of for my exact model ....
Hi Everyone,
I have tried to connect to broker which provides TLS-enabled security. In this process, I have downloaded the CA signed server certificate to the SIM7600 module and configure the server root CA of specified SSL context. Both these commands are returns successfully but SIM7600 module didn’t connect to the MQTT broker and it returns the error number 34 which identifies the error as open SSL session failed. In the below I have attached my code and screenshots of the results.
Firmware of the SIM7600 G-H module Manufacturer: SIMCOM INCORPORATED Model: SIMCOM_SIM7600G-H Revision: SIM7600M22_V2.0.1 (identification of firmware) SVN: 01 +GCAP: +CGSM
include // Include the WiFi library for MAC address
//#include "Secret.h" // Include the file to get the username and pasasword of MQTT server
String gsm_send_serial(String command, int delay);
define SerialMon Serial
define SerialAT Serial1
define GSM_PIN ""
define D0 36
define D1 35
define D2 32
define D3 33
define R0 4
// Your GPRS credentials, if any const char apn[] = "dialogbb"; const char gprsUser[] = ""; const char gprsPass[] = "";
// MQTT details String broker = ""; String MQTTport = "8883";
String username = ""; String password = "";
define uS_TO_S_FACTOR 1000000ULL // Conversion factor for micro seconds to seconds
define TIME_TO_SLEEP 60 // Time ESP32 will go to sleep (in seconds)
define UART_BAUD 115200
define MODEM_TX 23
define MODEM_RX 18
define GSM_RESET 34
define MAC_ADDRESS_SIZE 18 // Assuming MAC address is in format "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
byte mac[6]; String str_macAddress;
unsigned long prevMillis = 0; const unsigned long interval = 60000; // Interval for sending messages
// Device-specific details const char* deviceSerial = "34865D461830"; // Replace with your device serial
void Init(void); // Function prototype for network and GPRS initialization void connectToGPRS(void); // Function prototype for GPRS connection void connectToMQTT(void); // Function prototype for MQTT connection bool isNetworkConnected(); // Function prototype to check if network is connected bool isGPRSConnected(); // Function prototype to check if GPRS is connected
void mqttCallback(char topic, byte payload, unsigned int len) { SerialMon.print("Message arrived ["); SerialMon.print(topic); SerialMon.print("]: "); SerialMon.write(payload, len); SerialMon.println();
// Extract serial number from the topic String topicStr = String(topic); int firstSlash = topicStr.indexOf('/'); int lastSlash = topicStr.lastIndexOf('/'); String MAC_ID = topicStr.substring(firstSlash + 1, lastSlash);
SerialMon.print("MAC ID: "); SerialMon.println(MAC_ID);
if (MAC_ID == deviceSerial) { // Decode the received message StaticJsonDocument<200> doc; DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(doc, payload, len);
if(state == 0){ digitalWrite(R0,LOW); }else if(state == 1){ digitalWrite(R0,HIGH); }
} else { SerialMon.println("Received message for a different serial number"); } }
void setup() { // Set console baud rate Serial.begin(115200); delay(10); SerialAT.begin(UART_BAUD, SERIAL_8N1, MODEM_RX, MODEM_TX);
void loop() { if (millis() - prevMillis >= interval) { prevMillis = millis();
// StaticJsonDocument<200> doc; // doc["D0"] = IN1 ? 1 : 0; // doc["D1"] = IN2 ? 1 : 0; // doc["D2"] = IN3 ? 1 : 0; // doc["D3"] = IN4 ? 1 : 0;
// String jsonString; // //char jsonBuffer[512]; // serializeJson(doc, jsonString);
str_macAddress.toUpperCase(); String Digital_input = "dtck-pub/dc_mqtt_broker/9ccc450d-96ec-4676-8e57-a3661bf528a6/D0";
void handleIncomingMessages() { while (SerialAT.available()) { String response = SerialAT.readStringUntil('\n'); response.trim();
void Init(void) { delay(5000); gsm_send_serial("AT+CFUN=1", 10000); gsm_send_serial("AT+CPIN?", 10000); gsm_send_serial("AT+CSQ", 1000); gsm_send_serial("AT+CREG?", 1000); gsm_send_serial("AT+COPS?", 1000); gsm_send_serial("AT+CGATT?", 1000); gsm_send_serial("AT+CPSI?", 500); gsm_send_serial("AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"dialogbb\"", 1000); gsm_send_serial("AT+CGACT=1,1", 1000); gsm_send_serial("AT+CGATT?", 1000); gsm_send_serial("AT+CGPADDR=1", 500); gsm_send_serial("AT+NETOPEN", 500); gsm_send_serial("AT+NETSTATE", 500); }
void connectToGPRS(void) { gsm_send_serial("AT+CGATT=1", 1000); gsm_send_serial("AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"dialogbb\"", 1000); gsm_send_serial("AT+CGACT=1,1", 1000); gsm_send_serial("AT+CGPADDR=1", 500); gsm_send_serial("AT+NETOPEN", 500); gsm_send_serial("AT+NETSTATE", 500); }
void connectToMQTT(void) { // Upload the CA certificate gsm_send_serial("AT+CCERTDELE=\"datacake_ca.pem\"", 1000); gsm_send_serial("AT+CCERTLIST", 1000); //gsm_send_serial("AT+CCERTDOWN=\"datacake_ca.pem\"," + String(strlen(mqtt_ca_cert)), 1000); int cert_length = mqtt_ca_cert.length(); // Get the length of the CA certificate
// Construct the command string with the certificate length String command5 = "AT+CCERTDOWN=\"datacake_ca.pem\"," + String(cert_length); gsm_send_serial(command5, 1000); // Send the command
// String command4 = mqtt_ca_cert + "\x1A"; gsm_send_serial(mqtt_ca_cert, 10000); delay(10000); gsm_send_serial("AT+CCERTLIST", 1000); delay(1000); //gsm_send_serial("AT+CSSLCFG=0", 1000); gsm_send_serial("AT+CSSLCFG=\"sslversion\",0,3", 1000); gsm_send_serial(" AT+CSSLCFG=\"authmode\",0,1", 1000);
// String downlinkTopic = "NORVI/+/OUTPUT"; // gsm_send_serial("AT+CMQTTSUB=0,14,1", 1000); // gsm_send_serial(downlinkTopic + "\x1A", 1000); // delay(2000); }
bool isNetworkConnected() { String response = gsm_send_serial("AT+CREG?", 3000); return (response.indexOf("+CREG: 0,1") != -1 || response.indexOf("+CREG: 0,5") != -1); }
bool isGPRSConnected() { String response = gsm_send_serial("AT+CGATT?", 3000); return (response.indexOf("+CGATT: 1") != -1); }
String gsm_send_serial(String command, int delay) { String buff_resp = ""; Serial.println("Send ->: " + command); SerialAT.println(command); long wtimer = millis(); while (wtimer + delay > millis()) { while (SerialAT.available()) { buff_resp += SerialAT.readString(); } } Serial.println(buff_resp); return buff_resp; }
Thank You in Advance.