Xinyuan-LilyGO / TTGO-T-Display

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TTGO_T_Display.h file missing #19

Open mas3058 opened 4 years ago

mas3058 commented 4 years ago

I am new to the ESP32 world and cannot get the display on the TTGO board to work.

The directions and YOUTUBE video show the below step

2.TFT_eSPI settings

The Setup25_TTGO_T_Display.h file is missing from The Git repository. The YouTube video clearly shows the file in the there.

Am I missing something?

MikeA1s commented 4 years ago

The file is here:

BUT... you don't need to modify that file. PLEASE DO NOT MESS WITH THAT FILE!!!

Instead, What you need to modify is this one:

In this file comment out means add "//" at the beginning of the line (without quotes "") So comment out line 22, that is add // at the beginning of the line,

And on line 52, delete // then save the file...

That's all. These files should be saved and located on your computer where you save your Arduino files (in Libraries folder).