Xinyuan-LilyGO / TTGO-T-Display

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layout TTGO-T-Display Vs arduino R3 #57

Open Gedeon69 opened 3 years ago

Gedeon69 commented 3 years ago

Hello, As I m a newbie in your world , i bought an arduino Kit based on Arduino R3 and begin some exercice it's funny. i also receive TTGO-T-Display to a friend and would like to make the same exercices ( like i do with my Arduino). the problem is that i don't find the matching "ports " between the two cards.
Is someone can help me with this?

thanks in advance

Georges arduino-uno-pinout-diagram vs pinmap

ps : sorry for my writting , long time i didn't write in english...

tadam777 commented 3 years ago

The pin number are on the grey background. For example you can see the digital pins 1, 2, 3... for the arduino, it's the same layout for the TTGO, but there are more : 21, 22, 17, ... You can digitalWrite or digitalRead on them. Notice that some pins on the TTGO are input only, if I remember correctly it's 36 to 39. On some pins you've got other functions, such as ADC on the 39 etc, or DAC on the 25 and 26.