Xinyuan-LilyGO / TTGO-T-Display

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Question about electrical connection method of D6F-PH to TTGO T-Display #88

Open bglazyrin opened 2 years ago

bglazyrin commented 2 years ago

Hi, I need to connect D6F-PH to my TTGO using i2c interface. In user guide to D6F sensor written:

For the I2C output, the D6F-PH will require a pull-up resistor to each clock line(SCL) and data line (SDA). A pull-up resistor of 2.2[kΩ] (recommended value) should be implemented between the Vcc as shown in Fig.6. In addition, please adjust the pull-up resistor’s value depending on the transfer rate of SCL and the I2C wire length.


So, my question: do I need to connect external resistors, or TTGO board already has them? I saw few examples of using this sensor with TTGO and the didn’t use any resistors, they connected all cables from sensors directly to board. Is it right/safe way? Can somebody clarify this moment for me?   Thank you in advance, Boris