Xinyuan-LilyGO / TTGO_TWatch_Library

MIT License
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S3 watch completly missing axp2101 power domains mappings documentation #197

Closed VynDragon closed 12 months ago

VynDragon commented 12 months ago

The schematics are hardly readable for the average person, and with both them and the arduino code I have not been able to determine the roles of each LDO and other power domains.

Please document what powers what like for the original watches.

VynDragon commented 12 months ago

Here are my notes about them though:

| Power Domain | Role                                  |
| ------------ | ------------------------------------- |
| ALDO1        | MS412FE RTC backup battery (3.1-3.3v) |
| ALDO2        | Backlight                             |
| ALDO3        | 3V3 for FT6336 and st7889             |
| ALDO4        | sx1262                                |
| BLDO2        | DRV2605 Enable pin                    |
| DC1          | ESP32 3V3                             |
| VRTC         | Nothing                               |
lewisxhe commented 12 months ago

Modifications have been made to your answer

VynDragon commented 12 months ago
