Xinyuan-LilyGO / lilygo-micropython

Micropython for LILYGO boards
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Any kind of guru meditation error (like the framebuffer crashes) kills micropython until I physically unplug the SD card adapter #5

Open scumola opened 2 years ago

scumola commented 2 years ago

Any kind of guru meditation error (like the framebuffer crashes in issue #4 ) kills micropython and makes it unresponsive even with multiple power cycles until I physically unplug the SD card adapter and reboot the board.

To reproduce, get a working SD card that's mountable, create a SKIPSD file in / so it doesn't try to boot off of the SD card, then cause a guru meditation error (kernel panic) like I was getting in issue #4 . Reboots will fail, including pulling the battery and USB power until the SD card adapter is unplugged from the board.

scumola commented 2 years ago

Confirmed that if/when the board crashes (even with the demo app written in C), if the SD card is inserted, the board will not boot even if/when power-cycled. The SD card is pretty much useless.

gddeen commented 1 year ago

More than likely, the cs line, if you are using SPI is already taken. The LILYGO T5 4.7 EPD I think only has 1 free pin. So, keep trying pins until it works. The PSRAM requires pins, etc. Map out all your hardware and what pins are controlling them. If you see hardware that magically runs with no pins, try again. I hope this helps...