XiozZe / XioScript

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XS 12.0.25 selling price setting bug #112

Open TeaMike opened 7 years ago

TeaMike commented 7 years ago

As in earlier versions, when the factory temporarily ran out of supplies and for example only one unit was produced the selling price will be set accordingly, e.g. one piece of cheese suddenly sells at 5000. If purchasing warehouse isn't managed by XS it means that on the next production run when the price drops to 3 again, the newly produced quantity will still be sold at 5000.

It causes billions of losses due to excessive, unnecessary taxes.

XiozZe commented 6 years ago

I believe this works as intended script-wise, but is a Virtonomics issue: price is only updated next day. I do not see how I could change this behaviour. My suggestion: do manage all warehouses by XS.