XiozZe / XioScript

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Problem with the latest version #3

Closed seawerst closed 9 years ago

seawerst commented 9 years ago

When I get the most up to date version, including your latest checkin. I get some files that don't seems to exists anymore as they similar then the wiki Creating-XioFunctions.md Home.md Install-XioScript.md Using-XioScript.md XioDictionary.md XioFunction-API.md

Are you behind in your own merge? It's my first time with Github

XiozZe commented 9 years ago

Well, I'm still trying to learn to understand GitHub as well, as I'm not really familiar with it yet. The merge was a test-merge to see what it does. I do not really get what you mean though, how can I reproduce your problem?

seawerst commented 9 years ago

When I forked the project, I was behind in the commit queue, so I synch the two projects and know I have the files listed in the post in the root directory but they are not visible herehttps://github.com/XiozZe/XioScript. Now I'm 88 commit ahead and I could make a pull request for these files. They look like the wiki files. github

XiozZe commented 9 years ago

Hmm... I don't know about the wiki files, but why don't you pull the request and we'll find out what happens. :D

seawerst commented 9 years ago

I just found out. Trying to merge your last check-in with my clone (I'm using this official add-on with Visual Studio https://visualstudio.github.com) I'm mixup the git repository with the wiki one. I did not know that the wiki had it's own database (https://github.com/XiozZe/XioScript.wiki.git)