XiozZe / XioScript

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hanging 12.0.21 #79

Closed cobr123 closed 8 years ago

cobr123 commented 8 years ago


cobr123 commented 8 years ago

add link to current processing unit in log

cobr123 commented 8 years ago

last message in console Object amount: 6 offer: 3290585 op: "repair"

Trebia commented 8 years ago

I have noticed is happening with restaurants and services. I reported this issue before, and I have got a message that will be solved.

cobr123 commented 8 years ago


cobr123 commented 8 years ago


cobr123 commented 8 years ago

found example 26 XioScript 12 is running! VM485:3689 1.0771428571428572 VM485:3694 Infinity 0.9882236551347747 VM485:3787 1.0771428571428572 0.9882236551347747 Object {employees: 0, salaryNow: 0, salaryCity: 0, skillNow: 0, skillReq: 0…} VM485:3683 [100, 106.44580513880288, 118.58683861617298, 129.25714285714284, Infinity, Infinity]

VM485:3027 XM! VM485:3046 Object {} VM485:1682 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'available' of undefined

XiozZe commented 8 years ago

I have fixed it already three weeks ago (or I think I have), but because I am focusing on XS12.1, and do not have a lot of time on my hands, I haven't updated XioScript in a while.

cobr123 commented 8 years ago

again hovered today

cobr123 commented 8 years ago

workaround: switch from required to maximal

TeaMike commented 8 years ago

please fix this issue caused by equipment repair "required"

cobr123 commented 8 years ago

I fixed some bugs and added a couple of new ones) try this fork https://github.com/cobr123/XioScript in anticipation of the release

XiozZe commented 8 years ago

Wow, great! I didn't expect any coding support whatsoever, so this is a very pleasant surprise. I'm afraid that I do not have any time to look at it nor push it through in the next coming three weeks due to exams, which is also the reason I haven't done anything in the last month. I'm making good use of my own script as I press the button once a day and then leave.