Xiphe / remix-island

utils to render remix into a dom-node instead of the whole document
MIT License
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Does remix-island interfere with server-side error handling? #17

Open hewelt opened 1 week ago

hewelt commented 1 week ago

Hey, I found this remix-island issue posted on remix-run repo. I get the same issue in our app since upgrading to Remix v2. The problem is that any unhandled errors in any loader on initial load causes rendering problems in ErrorBoundary, which doesn't happen on client-side navigation. The ErrorBoundary triggered is not the one in root.tsx which unmounts the whole document, the problem still exists when we render an extra ErrorBoundary in a pathless route below root, which we call __Layout.

One of the Remix maintainers suggests in a reply it's likely caused because the reporter uses remix-island and it removes SSR errors.

Is deleting of these errors necessary for remix-island to work correctly? 🤔

Xiphe commented 1 week ago

Hy @hewelt

I don't really remember if the deleting of the errors is on the necessary :)

Unfortunately I currently don't have the capacity to dig further into this. Any help appreciated!