Xiyue-Wang / RetCCL

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Whole slide image search- how? #4

Open markemus opened 11 months ago

markemus commented 11 months ago

I don't understand this line in the readme:

"Please refer to FISH, when clustering and searching, use our features, then remove the Tree and search directly"

Are we supposed to use this other codebase to do WSI searches? If so, how? The other codebase is quite complex and also not optimized for whole slide image search.

Xiyue-Wang commented 11 months ago

Thank you very much for your attention, these three search methods, you can refer to here(https://github.com/jacobluber/PathologySearchComparison),the paper is here https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.17019. "We found that RetCCL was the most reliable in tissue retrieval by correctly identifying within the first five retrieved slides the correct tissue of diagnosis for all three cases. In contrast, both Yottixel and SISH failed to retrieve the correct tissue of origin at all top five ranked positions for two out of the three cases, which was unexpected given prior work demonstrating the high performance of these models." " Similarly, we also found that RetCCL outperformed both SISH and Yotixxel in retrieving patches containing normal alveolar tissue."